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#2 Oilers99
Member since 2002 • 28844 Posts

Skyrim is $40. meh.

This is actually causing me great consternation. I don't have Skyrim, and I have been trying to decide whether or not to get it for some time. On one hand, I hated Oblivion. On the other hand, they seemed to have addressed a lot of the issues I had with Oblivion. It's on sale, but it's not so dramatically on sale that it's an automatic buy. But on the other hand, it is on sale, and I would like to get in on things. But on the other hand, I am not sure I fundamentally like Bethesda's vision of "you can do anything, just not with much particular character". I just... ARGGGHHH!
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#3 Oilers99
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[QUOTE="dvader654"]Motion controls are going to cause some differences in opinion as everyone seems to have a different opinion on them. Now I don't know about recalibrating, I have never had to recalibrate the wiimote unless it turns off, do you mean recentering the cursor cause that is something else entirely. I would say a standard control setup would make for a more comfortable experience but in no way more superior as you can't do what you do in this game with normal controls. The sword combat is much more involved than anything with a controller, going to go back to Skyrim is going to be a pain after this. The gameplay is far better with this, no other Zelda game is as much fun to control and fight in at least to me. There are a few hiccups where you may not get the exact move you want but I am ok with that when the game gives me an experience you can't get anywhere else.Articuno76

Yes, I am refering to the need to re-center by using the D-pad.

The combat is more involved in the sense that you have to do more physical action to perform a simple task and nothing beyond that. I think there is a confusion between doing something different to accomplish the same task as better. There are a lot of things that can simply be executed with a button push or analog stick instead of motion controls. Most the times it felt as it was simply added on for the sake of having motion controls. I understand that they needed to drive the "need" for motion controls home since the Wii is all about motion controls but in the end it really does not make the game any better; more interactive? Yes but not better.

Beyond that I think the people who would be WOWed by this game would be mostly Zelda fans because it does not offer the same level of visual polish or storytelling as other games. However, the dungeons are well design and well thought out. The game is good but the sensation that you are playing an "old" game is very strong from the visuals to gameplay.

I'd agree with a lot of this. I think that at times the motion controls are a bit in your face and at other times it feels like an evolution of what couldn't be done (as well) by controller. Sword play would be better if it was a integrated part of the game rather than the focal point. I can see why the game needs to constantly re-centre though. Because you are using the remote as a sword it could be at any potential angle when you pull out the remote. There are ways around this though (for instance, make sure your controller is back in neutral before you aim), but they require the player to work around the limitations of the control scheme. I won't say the controls are outright bad as they aren't. I feel that motion controls are not 100% where they need to be to make the experience seamless. I look forward to a future where the controls input is more complex/intuitive, but as of now, motion-control just isn't quite there yet.

I agree, but I feel the games doing a good job of cradling the limitations of the controls so far. No gigantic complaints...
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#4 Oilers99
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I should really see about putting up those audio files sometime tonight... though it's gonna be a while before I get back home.
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#5 Oilers99
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[QUOTE="dvader654"]Motion controls are going to cause some differences in opinion as everyone seems to have a different opinion on them. Now I don't know about recalibrating, I have never had to recalibrate the wiimote unless it turns off, do you mean recentering the cursor cause that is something else entirely. I would say a standard control setup would make for a more comfortable experience but in no way more superior as you can't do what you do in this game with normal controls. The sword combat is much more involved than anything with a controller, going to go back to Skyrim is going to be a pain after this. The gameplay is far better with this, no other Zelda game is as much fun to control and fight in at least to me. There are a few hiccups where you may not get the exact move you want but I am ok with that when the game gives me an experience you can't get anywhere else.Pedro

Yes, I am refering to the need to re-center by using the D-pad.

The combat is more involved in the sense that you have to do more physical action to perform a simple task and nothing beyond that. I think there is a confusion between doing something different to accomplish the same task as better. There are a lot of things that can simply be executed with a button push or analog stick instead of motion controls. Most the times it felt as it was simply added on for the sake of having motion controls. I understand that they needed to drive the "need" for motion controls home since the Wii is all about motion controls but in the end it really does not make the game any better; more interactive? Yes but not better.

Beyond that I think the people who would be WOWed by this game would be mostly Zelda fans because it does not offer the same level of visual polish or storytelling as other games. However, the dungeons are well design and well thought out. The game is good but the sensation that you are playing an "old" game is very strong from the visuals to gameplay.

I think the motion controls, in many instances, are a more natural execution given what is available, much like how there is really nothing stopping developers from using the D-pad for 3D environments, but the analogue stick really makes more sense. The combat is definitely more demanding and challenging. Better? Maybe. And from what I recall, I never remember you once being particularly excited or intrigued by any Nintendo games. I would venture that the design simply doesn't click with you, much like how simulation racing games simply do not click with me. But I do wonder that you are not impressed by the visuals. This is some of the best art I have seen in any videogame. It looks smooth and gorgeous. As for the story... it's well done so far. Too early to tell. And I always have a sense that I'm playing an old game. Videogames become old hat in a matter of seconds. I think this one is gonna hold up better than some other ones, though, assuming it continues to develop at the rate it has so far.
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#6 Oilers99
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I just want to say how entertaining it's been reading your emotions go up an down in this thread. First, you were optimistic and hopeful about the game. Then, you seemed bothered by the 7.5. You showed how the reviewer may have been unfair for penalizing SS for being more of the same, where games like CoD and Skyrim were not. Then you got the game and, to me, sounded disappointed. Maybe the 7.5 was right? Not much to do in the sky, and a different feel. Now, you seem to be excited as you discover more about the game! It's been a good read.

I just started playing and am still in Skyloft. I'm liking this intro. Yea, it's a bit long and as a Zelda veteran I don't need all the tutorials. But its making me feel attached and "at home" in Skyloft. Definitely good, seeing as you go back there during the course of the game. If something bad were to happen to it, I can tell I'll already feel emotionally attached to saving it.

Were you around during the Twilight Princess launch? Dvader's Emotional Zelda Rollercoaster is exactly how it goes down. He could still end up declaring this the greatest game of all time. Just watch and enjoy. I'm recording my thoughts into a digital voice recorder. Anyone know how one would go about posting those online? Haven't really had much experience doing such a thing.
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#7 Oilers99
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Probably that the game assume you either already knew WRPG conventions, or that you didn't care. It didn't ease you into how the system worked very well.
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#8 Oilers99
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Haven't quite gotten out of Skyloft... I need to buy a shield, and maybe a potion, and off I go. It's too bad I have a test tomorrow, and church tonight, or else I'd be spending way more time with it. I haven't decided yet how much of the game is control problems and how much is me adjusting. I seem to be mastering it fairly well... I think. There's just some stuff where I go... is the game not completely responsive or am I just not doing it right? Mostly to do with flying, but that did have something to do, I imagine, with trying to chase something that sort of shifted and writhed a lot. Extremely beautiful, but seems to have these tiny, annoying graphical glitches everywhere. Anyone else experiencing this? It's nothing major, just little flecks of wrong colour (I think) that pop up everywhere.
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#9 Oilers99
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I got the demo and loved it, but part of my brain doesn't want to part with £40 for a platformer. I will rent it though.

Why is platforming fun less fun than other types of videogame fun? -_-
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#10 Oilers99
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Slow start worse than Twilight Princess? Ugh. TP's start was abysmal beyond words, it really messed up the first impression of the game.RandoIph
I actually liked the start of Twilight Princess. A lot. Had a real "settling into the shire before journeying into Middle Earth" vibe.