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@OmegaGear @RPG_Fan_I_Am Really? The "common" person can't understand the need to download an update? Tell that to, I dunno....every smartphone owner on the planet?

Am always amazed at how superior many are to the "common" people who are just too stupid to know anything.

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@Nightrunner0007 @Sefrix @jinzo9988 All systems sell out when they are new. The WiiU would have been the hot Xmas item even if the launch had been a 100% disaster. That doesn't mean that it was handled well.

Personally, I would prefer products be shipped in a final state, but I can definitely understand the Nintendo decision here. I'm guessing if you asked most users "would you rather wait several weeks / months for the system to reach a more final state or have it now and wait an hour for a digital download?" the vast majority would say give it to me now.

Games are different to me. They absolutely should NOT have a day-one patch.

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This is typical of Makuch and the general trend on Gamespot:

Attention-grabbing headline followed by zero input or context. As so many ask, WHY does Bushnell feel this way? Also, it would be interesting to know what he thought about the original Wii when it was released. Did he also predict failure for that?

This is lazy "journalism" at its worst.

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@OaklandRaiderz Typical of a Raiders fan to have his head stuck in the ground.

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@fekkme I spend more time on Netflix and Amazon Video than games. Maybe XBOX is only good for games for you but there are many who find value in other features.

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@Phoenix-Ho-Yoku I'm gonna guess you haven't actually used the new IE and thus are basing your opinion on the past.

Kinda dump to call people using something a "noob who doesn't know a single thing" when it's you who actually don't possess the requisite knowledge to express an opinion.

FYI...not a M$ fanboy at all. Use Chrome and Firefox and also have a number of Apple / Google products, but truth is truth: the new IE is a damn good browser.

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@MJ12-Conspiracy As someone who uses Chrome and Firefox.....I can tell you the new IE is just as good. Learn to adapt and not cement your opinion in the past.

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Hmmm.....we'll see. I think the whole Wii "revolution" that attracted non-core gamers is grossly exaggerated. Yeah, lots of people bought Wii systems and games like Wii Fit sold a ton. But how many people who purchased a Wii are still playing it? And how many people who bought Wii Fit played it more than a few times? The number of GAMES SOLD for the XBOX and PS3 grossly outnumber those sold for Wii. Why? Because people who actually play games quickly learned that the Wii was basically a gimmick and games were shallow and provided only short-term entertainment.

I'm skeptical WiiU can make the big splash the Wii did. All those grandmothers and housewives who embraced the Wii have moved on to Browser and mobile games and have learned that what they are looking for (bite-sized sessions, easy-learning-curve, some social aspect). The WiiU will truly have to be a revolution in order to be a big success. We can be sure that Nintendo simply cannot compete with the advanced online systems capable of supporting a wide variety of entertainment offerings to be included in the next gens from Sony and MS.

I just don't know that Nintendo has that up their sleeves. Price-point was a HUGE advantage for the Wii over 360 and PS3....and with that controller, I'm extremely doubtful Nintendo will have a price advantage over their competitors.

By the game brought people together better than Rock Band and the rhythm game craze from a few years ago. RB3 was an unbelievably amazing game...and failed so badly in terms of sales that Dance Dance Revolution is now the focus of developer Harmonix (which sold for $1). So, I'm not all that sure that getting people together in one room is the big sell the author thinks it will be.

tl:dr: I'm skeptical Nintendo really has it figured out and am not sure the whole "bringing people into one room" should be the focus of developers.