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@mikhaze03 so do you have the system? can you prove or are you a credible witness to testify that the ONE is a failure? dude dont talk smack until you get your hands on it. besides now that ONE has taken off its restrictions well too bad for SONY fans its back to the drawing board. MS has more techs, money and technology than Sony has. til this day Sony still hasn't fixed the OS that the PS3 is running on.

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Edited By MoK86

@jts1891 DUDE your just some kind of fan boy. did the PS2 have its glory? YEAH it did until XBOX came out. till this day the XBOX system is still a beast on the market. everybody had a PS2 but it wasnt because of its games. its because you got a machine that not only played games but it introduced DVD's to the market. but the gimmicks that Sony released and even now such as the MOVE and EYE were major fails. so yeah get facts before you go off talking trash like you know the history of either systems. i bet you anything that if i told you a few things that sony had planned you would go crazy because not many people knew it.

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well this is what i have to say to Navy Lt. Scott Metcalf

Nobody cares what you think and as a tax payer i dont Appreciate you spending my tax money on buying toys to use while on Sea.

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@blue_shift_91 preach son

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@TeoKot you ever thought that maybe it was all apart of the plan? think of it as a game of chess. no besides all those douchers who supported Sony didnt stop to think that Sony's new PS4 were just kissing azz to its consumers because of how much of a failure the PS3 was and till this day the PS3 still sucks. also not only did they try to copy off MS XBL service on the ps3 but now its being enforced on the PS4 in order to play games online. so yeah think before you speak boy.

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@alterechoxii exactly. now all these tards who were talking smack about paying for a used game on the system dont listen. they said they were gonna charge the retail store for selling used games. they didnt say that the consumer was going to pay a fee.

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@mario_ps3 ...... the PS3 is stronger than the XBOX 360 but that doesnt mean its cooler. what matters more is the execution of a product. and XBOX does it very well.

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Edited By MoK86

who the frack cares what GAMESTOP has to say about the news!!! of course they applaud they know whats going to sell more used games. i would too if i was profiting off other poor gamers and then selling them at $5 less than the new copy.

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Edited By MoK86

@batmunk2000 oh wow well since you assume im a umm PS4 or SONY fanboy if you were to search for MOK86 on XBL you will see that ive been with XBOX for 10yrs you dumbazz!! having SOLID SNAKE as my avatar is my way of saying that he's my hero. anyways anybody who buys nothing but junk is an expert or what does an expert on market research need for credibility? THINK BEFORE YOU SPEAK BOY!! I speak my mind and as a consumer to hear somebody complain and try to defend its property by saying that its a good deal is just a joke to me. as a person who buys stuff i like to see what value im going to have out of it before i say its even worth it. ive gone through 19 xbox 360's and yet ive stuck with XBOX. its a good system and far beyond the POS3 but now im starting to think that MS needs to get off that high horse and realize that gaming is a poormans hobby and not for the rich. rich turds dont play games man they are rich they have other things to spend money on. if you are poor and it took 6 months to pay off a system then damn it i want to spend as less as possible to get a system that should be meant to just play games. GAMES JUST GAMES!!! NOW stop trying to assume what i am and what i do. if you want to spend that kind of cash go ahead and do and feel what you want to do but dont tell me what i should or anybody else for that matter on what the have to say about this NEWS thats why there's a post box. DUH!!

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see that guy shouldnt have said all that. to think that consumers are getting thousands of dollars for that system is a deal? he's an idiot Microsoft is forcing consumers and XBL subscribers to pay a higher price for crap were never gonna use. that whole skype thing is just stupid. Nobody has used skype in three years. LET IT GO!! and then to add the whole kinect and all this other crap that were never gonna use is just total outrage man. you are charging and forcing gamers to have things installed in a system that nobody is going to touch. NOBODY cares for Kinect its a stupid camera gimmick that they are trying to push on consumers because you know how great that thing is used now. XBOX this and XBOX That!! does MICROSOFT have any idea how annoying it is to watch netflix and then to have it pause or stop because somebody in the movie said STOP or Pause and some how kinect just happens to pick up the voice. MICROSOFT you guys suck!!