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#1 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

Currently I have the entire S American continent to myself, but Washington is being an ass and is sitting in Mexico and wont give me open borders. SAGE_OF_FIRE

What is your relationship with him? Is he hostile to you, is he indifferent or does he see you as a friend?

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#2 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

What do you guys think is the best way to quickly make gold? SAGE_OF_FIRE

Lend resources to other civilizations, use merchant specialists, gain money from money specialised plots, especially when it comes to great merchants.

If you are powerful you can also try to demand gold from other civilizations.

Edit: By the way Loco are you getting the game? If so we might indeed see eachother on the battlefield :)

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#3 Maroxad
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Sarcasm? Nintendo is the same company that shut down the fan-made 2D OoT game for copyright infringement.gameguy6700

From what I have seen from them, they dont mind as LONG as you dont try to remake their games or attempt to make any form of profit from it. Hence the reason there are like 10 current pokemon MMOs out there. And why Nintendo hasnt bothered with shutting down Starfox: Shadows of Lylat. Meaning that the devs should be safe.

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#4 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

Well the Witcher was a really well made game, that actually focuses on the RP part of RPG.

I can't say I have enjoyed anything put out by Bioware since NWN (and then I enjoyed it because of the custom campaigns, not the official) and I will not comment (read: bash) on Dragon Age Origins. As good as Bioware's games are, they just dont appeal to me.

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#5 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

My ideal RPG would be like this:

  • No Classes: Rather Skills which are increased by leveling and reading books, along with attributes that weigh heavily to what your character can and cant do.
  • An Indian Setting, I have always been intrigued by Indian architecture and folklore. (Indian as in India)
  • Magic Items arent spoonfed to the player, but each magic item will have their own unique effects, while some magic items will have better bonuses there will not be a ultimate sword of mass pwnage. See Dungeons and Dragons Pre 4.0
  • Add item quality, from dull to masterwork.
  • Most quests will have multiple solutions and some will even have side objectives. What solutions and side objectives the player can take dephends on their characters abilities, in addition dephending on what side objectives they complete and how they solve the quests will lead to their own consuquences.
  • Use a combat system which is a hybrid between Mount and Blade and Demon's Souls.
  • Avoid Mass Effect's conversation system with a 10 foot pole.
  • No alignment system with players getting to decide what is right and wrong rather than the game telling them what is right and wrong.
  • Characters with a low combat skill and poor agility will be very clumsy in combat.
  • Likewise a character with very poor intelligence 2 or less will have a difficult time conversing due to a lack of many options and might not be able to understand everything with lines that are more difficult to comprehend from the NPC blurred out (textwise) and difficult to hear due to hearing a blablabla or something like that. He will not speak like a low intelligence Fallout Character however. Characters with high intelligence have far more options in conversations.
  • Relationship systems, town reputation, faction reputation, and a general reputation (you can get a reputation for being a backstabbing liar for instance)
  • A variety of wierd and some normal party members, such as a shadow and ex-necromancer being who is in his current state as a kind of punishment, and therefore he has to reside in the shadow of his own creation (he joins your party in an attempt for redemption). Also a genie who has been driven insane by his own magic.
  • Add an ecology, in which the character can interere with if he wants to.
  • Allow the player to be able to beat the entire game without killing anyone, give him various ways he can lie, manipulate, steal and resolve problems peacefully.

Edit: I just realized that this thread is over a year old, dont bring back old threads from the dead.

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#6 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

haha, good stuff man.

I won a game as the Greeks yesterday, was very satisfying :P

Now I am Japan on harder difficulty :P

Was so funny though in my first game.. everyone was picking on the USA so i guarded them.. they had only one city left adn it was in teh middle of about 2- cities of mine.. so if others wanted to get at the USA they had to go threw TONS of cities of mine to get to there last city :lol:

I destroyed everyone else and then let USA live for awhile.. but then eventually when it was USA and the Greeks left, I had to squash them :P

Game is to fun, try going to the MOD section and downloading some of the maps people have made, a few cool ones ;)

*Think someone even made another civlization/country.

And yes addicting game is addicting,


Just like in Civ 4 there will be tonnes of mods dedicated to adding a single civ, I remember hearing a lot of people from various countries whine about the lack of their nationality in the game but I reckon those who buy Civ 5 and still want their nation will just add it in with a mod just like they did in Civ 4. So you can expect a lot more mods adding in new Civs but dont expect them to unite and make one big extra Civilization pack. In a mod heavy game like Civ adding DLC is not a very good idea, so lets hope they refrain from it as much as possible.

I am generally happy with the Civilizations that are in the game (my nation is not in, but then again, it doesnt really need to be there). My only gripe is that there is no Spain... or Mongolia :cry:.

Thanks for answering, that does sound a bit disappointing, but as you say every other aspect seems to be much improved, so I can live with that :Dlocopatho

Indeed, I feel the same, hopefully someone can implement the good old civics system from civ 4 while keeping the talent trees for other things.

Oh and about your sig, on my current playthough I am playing as the arabs, controlling the economy, massing units and soon I shall leave a blazing trail conquering my neighbours capitols, try protecting your Castle from me :P (then again I am not Saladin)

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#7 Maroxad
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[QUOTE="carlisledavid79"]Downloading from steam as I type thiskozzy1234

Your gonna love this game man, so awesome :)

I am playing as Japanese in my new game, on a map someone made of the real world :D

Pretty dang fun!

Played liek 18 hours on it since its been out :shock:

I got the game today, I have already played it for 6 hours, and won once as Russia on the King difficulty :). I am now playing on a earthlike map as well, with all 19 Civilizations.

And since you are playing as Japan I would like to tell you that Japan decided to declare war on me, they did not survive the next 30 turns :twisted:.

Addicting game is addicting.

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#8 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

It really wouldn't surprise me, have you seen the 'behind the scenes' video's? There's a ton of Hollywood that goes into the making of those cut scenes.tomarlyn

In my opinion an Uncharted movie could end up easily being one of the better video game movies out there. As you stated before, Uncharted has a really good cast (I just don't like Nathan, but the rest are really well made). And no, I have not seen the behind the scenes for the Uncharted games (if that is what you meant).

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#9 Maroxad
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Majora's Mask (My favorite Zelda) is the most unique BUT Zelda 2 was the biggest departure from the series (black sheep if you will).

Unquestionably Majora's Mask. Even to this day its game structure is very, very unique. It's a pity no-one really paid much attention to its originality, particularly other developers (including Nintendo tbh).skrat_01

I agree with that, I would absolutely love to play a game based around Majora's Mask's structure. MM is in many ways a one of a kind game and it is sad because its design was genius.

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#10 Maroxad
Member since 2007 • 24000 Posts

Maybe it's like this: You first have a monarchy, and it turns into an oligarchy with some of the influences of its past monarchy. Or maybe it just doesn't make much sense. Same with Napoleon living for 5000 years I suppose. I agree though, they could have made your choices seem a little more realistic or exclusive.meme_peddler

You get Oligarchy before Monarchy (I believe that means you evolve from a Oligarchy to a Monarchy), but still as you said this system does not make a lot of sense nor is it really realistic. Some Choices are mutually exclusive, such as Piety and Rationalism as well Liberty/Freedom vs Autocracy. This means that you cant gain the bonuses of Police State and Fascism at the same time as Democracy.

But yeah, you are probably right about the evolution part. In Civ 4 when you adopted a new civic you would often have to deal with it's drawbacks (cost most of the time) as well as bask in in its strengths while sometimes wishing you had another system and having AI leaders whining about about how you should adopt their fave civic.

Now they just feel like talents from a MMO and the civics are just names rather than how YOU ruled your people.