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#1 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

I remember when the Crash Bandicoot commericals for PlayStation came out...and Final Fantasy VIII.

I was offended. I grew up on SNES and N64, so seeing the PS1 come out of nowhere and takeover made me...angry, so I skipped the first generation.

Then the second came, and with it, a commercial and TOONAMI's review of Final Fantasy X. That made me want a PS2, but of course, it was too expensive at the time. I had a friend across the street have one, and saw him play Metal Gear Solid 2...and I was wowed. He then let me play Enter the Matrix (bad game, I know), but that got me into buying the PS2 version and a used console when I found out my PC couldn't handle it.

After that game, Final Fantasy X was my second...and I forgot about the commercials I saw for it, but it was the game that converted me over to the House of Sony. This was in a time where I was so bored just playing N64 games over, and over...and over again.

And I've been a Sony fan ever since. I can't wait 'till the Metal Gear Solid collection comes out this week. I'm psyched!!!

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#2 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

Kingdom Hearts.

I FINALLY got past the Pegasus Cup on Expert at Lvl. 32...Yuffie and her cheap ninja stars!!! At least I finally owned her!!!

I hope to get Dark Sector when it comes out later this month and have it sleep inside my PS3 soon.

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#3 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts
I DID play my PS3 on a 20" Insignia SDTV, but I recently upgraded to a 32" Vizio 720p/1080i...and I'm lovin' every minute of it :D.
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#4 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

Heck yes!!! I don't own the MGS collection...and I want to properly get into the story and gameplay before MGS4 :D.

And, I was borrowing the original MGS1 from a friend when I, like an idiot, accidentally formated my HDD, trying to get to recognize my external I'm going to have to play through again...and it was right after I beat Psycho Mantis too :(.

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#5 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

Actually, the PS3 does make PS2 games look better...

The PS3 (60/80 GB versions) have an upscale ability that help smooth the graphics on a PS2 good example I noticed of this was Medal of Honor: Rising Sun....on the PS2 it looked like a colorful PS1 game, but on the PS3....considerable improvement. It looked more like a PS2 game than it did on the console it was designed for...

Another game (more recent of PS2's tech) that I read an article in that noticed this was Final Fantasy XII. They took a comparison shot of Vaan (main character) and had him stand in the same position (though slightly different areas) and compared the PS2 shot to the PS3 shot. The PS3 shots look a little bit smoother up close than PS2's.

Not to mention upscale helps do wonders for older games on an as long as you can get a 60/80 gig, it's all good.

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#6 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

I know most of you think the demo was c-r-a-p...and I gotta admit, I did too (glad I'm not the only one who couldn't see anything in the cave), but if you go over to

You will see the game actually got a good rating. But is this only another console-that-must-not-be-named's rating, or is the PlayStation 3 included? Just take it, as with anything, with a grain of salt.

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#7 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

I have yet to play FF7... *runs away* At least I'll know what to expect if I ever get it...

Anywho. SoTC was probably the most attached I got to a game. I was pretty much considering the happily ever after ending, but I was treated to a "Dear God, why?" moment.


Surely we didn't spoil it for you. Aerith's death is considered one of the biggest, if not THE BIGGEST video game spoiler of all time.

I don't think Aerith's death is considered THAT much of a surprise. Even I knew that she died before I played FFVII for the first time, and that was because I read an article in GMR (when they were still around) that re-rated the game based on the day's standards (9/10 when it first came out, and 7/10 later) about it, and had a pic of Cloud from Advent Children before it was officially announced as a movie.

That moment still got to me though. My most emotional I gotta say was when I found out Yuna was supposed to die in FFX...sure, you had moments where it basically foreshadowed it, but like Tidus, I was still somewhat oblivious to the matter, so when I found out, I was just like him. "WHAT?!"

I also got really angry when I played Devil May Cry the first time, especially when I got to fight Mundus. I thought I was NEVER going to kill him. Glad I beat the game again though :P.

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#8 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

1. Final Fantasy XIII (same thing as above poster said)

2. Devil May Cry 4 (I'm replaying through the whole DMC series just for this game)

3. Resistance 2 (that game's going to kick major)

Those games are the ones I'm looking forward to the most...but since the games are really rolling in this year, count on me to also get LittleBigPlanet, HAZE, inFamous, White Knight Chronicles (White Knight Story), maybe Killzone 2 IF I get Killzone 1 and Liberation for the PSP...

The only reason I didn't list MGS4 was because I haven't played through the MGS series. I was beginning on 1 (and had just beaten Psycho Mantis) when I accidentially erased my it'll be a while before I get back to it. Hopefully I will buy MGS4 eventually, though.

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#9 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

Does anyone know if Nero will have multiple styles? Or is it just Dante?superdante00

No one has stated whether or not Nero HAS multiple styles or not, but I hope he does. The only thing I heard about Dante was that we can change his styles on the fly, so that'll be awesome.

Overall, I love this demo. This was the game that got me interested in the DMC series when I first heard about it, so I went back and luckily found the DMC 20th anniversary collection for $30, bought it, and enjoyed roughousing through it (yes, I even played DMC 2 to see what all the fuss was about, and am playing it again only 'cause...ALL my game saves are gone)....DMC 3 SE is my favorite of the series by far.

And I also love the fact that two of the voice actors in the series were former Power Rangers. :lol:

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#10 MalcolmYuy
Member since 2006 • 118 Posts

[QUOTE="upay"]if your guy read a little on gamespot u would kow that it is coming 2morrow for the 360 and the ps3 get it on the 31st of jan. sorry for the bad newsmoshakirby

Actually, if you read the article, it said that the EU PlayStation Store gets it the 31st...the NA store still gets it tomorrow.

I thought it was the japanese that gets it tommorow

Both Japan and North America get the demo tomorrow, and EU gets it as stated above...I seriously don't see why they have to wait, other than localization/translation, which is probably done already. I guess I'm lucky I'm American, because if I was European, I'd be slightly miffed.