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#1 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
NEVER! I'd rather do crossword puzzles!
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#2 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
It would have to be a space game where you could explore a ton of planets. You would have to be able to go anywhere you wanted and do alot of different things in SP or MP. There would have to be alot of customization. It would have to blend the RPG, RTS, TBS and FPS genre into one unforgettable journey to conquer, chart and explore without being cheesy futuristic. It would have to change the way gaming is thought of right now. A good way to do that would allow players to totally shape a galaxy system. Also allowing players to build their own team bases on their own planets that other people could interact with if allowed. Players could build their unqiue clans, systems, and bases offline and bring them online. They would be like seperate servers where other players could go that would be like portals or add-ons to the core servers. No MMO fees. Just expansion for those who want to pay for bigger expansions or uploadmore compact resources. Clans could allow players in as merchants and explorers just looking to sight see. If they wanted to take a risk they could play for galactic domination. The galaxy would have to be a harsh place not for the whiny gamer type. You would need to be able to walk around a ship in FPS mode and fight in alien worlds in FPS, and board ships in takeovers. You would have to be able to go online and take up your standard FPS action. Offline or online you would need to be able to be able to build, explore, upgrade and trade and play how you wanted. It would need to demolish typical MMO features such as balance, grinding and tedium. Yep. there you have it. The best game has never been made.
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#3 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
I didnt say the bible said anything about the end of gaming. You are just making stuff up. I said sometimes games and movies are offensive and it can detract from the game alot. I brought up examples of it that was game related. It was more of a rant than had to do with the topic I suppose. I dont get my information from south park and hollywood. So we're not even on the same page. Please just move on. It was a small point that wasnt meant to be taken out of context or be turned into a debate. I wasnt clear why it was brought up. So we can squash it then? Back to topic. . . I always wondered why making AI wasnt a collective building process. Much like I wonder why easier ways to create games hasnt been invented. It seems like you could have an editor that would have every aspect of RTS, FPS, TBS, RPG, MMO and every other genre that is updated all the time. All of those could be shared assets in one giant editor with everything people can put in it. It would be more like a language since it would always change and be updated. that would lower development costs alot and save time. It would also allow people to work from home to make indie games or whatever they wanted.
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#4 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
Wasnt pushing anything. Just stating something you obviously dont like. You might think you got me cornered. But I can go find the original Greek and Hebrew texts with the alpha numeric translations right next to them(E-Sword is a free download and it has the original texts as well as all of the other version for comparison). My dad has studied the bible for over twenty years. I found my way after being a very hateful and troubled kid. Him among other people still learn stuff all the time. Sorry im not elect yet. Someday I hope to be able to know exactly which verses to go to.

The bible doesnt only say that the Earth was round(the direct translation is spherical or "circle" of earth). It also says there was a firmament around it that seperated it from the heavens. He also says he seperated the lands and made expanses between them long before anyone knew about tectonics. He also says he made the leviathin and behemoth as one of the first ranks of god. The fossil record tells us about dinosaurs. He also said in the flood the waters fell from the heaven and rose up from the Earth. Scientists tried to disprove it by saying there wouldnt have been enough water vapor in the atmosphere to flood the Earth. But they forgot about the water that rose up from the Earth too. Alot of it makes perfect sense to me. I have terrible grammar and im not very articulate at writing. Its probably painful to read my late night posts. But there are a ton of things in the bible that werent discovered until well after they were written.

Now go type in "mathematical equasion in the bible" in google. Dont give me any nostradaumus mumbo jumbo. Some things are easy to discern. I have done alot of research. You should too.
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#5 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
This is the last time im going to comment on it since its late and the place isnt moving fast anyway. I didnt "mix" up anything. I simply said the Bible said the Earth was round among many other things. I backed that up and I can go find it in any "translation" you would like to have it in. The stars are innumerable(when was the first telescope invented?). The Earth is supsended in space(long before anyone had remotely proven it with science). Dinosaurs were made first among the ranks of god(Behemoth/Leviathin)t. Uncooked meat is contaminated and causes ilnesses(long before any scientists knew of unseen germs). Hooved animals that chew their cud were unclean because the enzymes they produce could cause problems for humans(something to that affect, a scientific reason is obvious behind it and a symbolical one on that part). The rib grows back(obvious why he took Adams rib, and this was a long time before anyone knew in anatomy that the rib was the only bone to grow back). Really, someone could go on and on with facts. But faith is the only way. Just wait until evoltion is debunked like its being now. Wait till they find out there was a global flood(possibly the firfament that was around the earth that soaked up the suns radiation and fell to earth). They're already working on geological models. Good luck proving it wrong. Many have tried and I say more power to them. Because thats how alot of people learned about it.

Its obvious the Knights Tenmplar were not Christians. They established their own occult after they were kicked out by the Catholics for murder among many other crimes. I know alot of people want to call David Koresh a christian to. But the FACT is they arent. His words didnt tell anyone to go down there and kill anyone. Thats mans fault. Its easy to blame religion and lump them all together. But its a copout to me. They didnt follow what the Bible said at all. And people who werent even christians thought they were guilty. The Bible says stay away from suth sayers and such as they're deceiving spirits. The Knights Templar practised alot of things that are a no no. They're an occult and they're still around in various forms.But its the same overall doctrines they use.
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#6 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
Im not forcing my beliefs on anyone. Nor am I questioning your religion or faith. I simply said the Bible says the world was round among many other things long before scientists discovered them. You chill. My original point of bringing it up is that alot of it turns up in games. Some of it is offensive, and I bet alot of it is tasteless spin in alot of peoples eyes in the US. We all know Hollywood doesnt care. But Hollywood is a joke. Thats not something I want to happen to the gaming industry. I try overlook stuff alot. But I felt like saying it because its relevenat as soon as its brought into games.
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#7 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
[QUOTE="Maestro_AKQ"]. The Bible says the world was round before any scientist EVER discovered it. Andriy-

Oh man, thanks for a good laugh.

Laugh away. But im going to squash it quickly so we dont get to off topic here. I could pull up an mathematical equasion two thousand years old that happened on the exact day. I could go on for days. I didnt go to one of those big money churches and if you dont want to be called out you better play nice. In 1861 the French Academy of Science published a brochure of 51 "scientific facts" which contradicted the Bible. These were used by atheists of the day to ridicule Christians. Today, modern day science proves that the Bible was correct scientifically on all 51 facts, while science was wrong on all 51 "scientific facts"! How tragic that people trusted their eternal soul to a man's misconceived "truth"! There are "outdated" science books that are barely to the printing press while tens of thousands of science books are no longer relevant. While science has been changing the Bible has not changed, and is still correct scientifically! Some Bible examples are: The earth is round (Isaiah 40:22) written 220 years before Columbus. The earth is suspended in space (The Book of Job 26:7 )told us thirty five hundred years ago. Science did not know this until Sir Isaac Newton in 1687 A.D. The famous astronomer, Ptolemy, declared dogmatically that the number of stars to be exactly 1056! But the Bibles states that the stars are innumerable (Genesis 15:5) written nearly 4000 years ago! These are just a few hundreds of scientific facts that the Bible simply states, not as science, but that God uses His Word to His people!
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#8 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
I feel bad for not Stainless Steel Studios. It was the only game I felt that was truely ambitious. Except that it only had four civillizations which is a really underwhelming to me. I though what they were doing could have potentially been brilliant. But instead it was cut short and destroyed. The original artists never got to finish their ideas. Part of me wants to crticize games bceause its my only hope developers will take notice and put more gameplay back into games. Then another part of me wants to play the sympathy card and water it down and tell people to buy all three games and all that. If the Publishers really take that big of a cut and take the IP then something needs to be done. Im with developers on that. But somehow another scheme would take over. Gamers would be forced to pay club membership fees to download even if they didnt download anything yet. The ONLY way I see the gaming industry working is if they stay true to gamers. Gaming is a hobby for alot of us. Although its become a boring hobby lately. I dont want someone telling me I have to do this and that to play a game. Get real. Its suppose to be fun for anyone and everyone. No big money cronies should be able to say I need to join this or that to play because they have some enlightened idea its better for everyone. I hate the fact that they can lose so much money on something that took years to make. That is a HUGE problem in the industry. Thats why a collectively made editor with anything added people can dream up would help. Comparing the gaming industry to movies is terrible in my opinion. I cant begin to express my discontent for most recent movies. I stopped watching TV almost all together. Its so dumbed down and unoriginal. I feel like im being brainwashed and fed kale everytime I turn around. Its desensitzing to watch and hear all of those that stuff constantly being pounded into your noggin. It can make a person confused and callous with the junk they put out. Anyway my take is that gaming development itself needs a breakthrough. A different, faster more efficient and versatile way to design video games would be an idea solution to me. Some of those developers are geniuses. There is alot of brilliance in the gaming industry. Someone may come up with a new way to make games someday. Thats my hope.
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#9 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
Some ways to allieviate the pressure on developers. Offer more awards than just GOTY. Sites like Gamespot need to offer more awards and cover game shows where awards are presented. Offer India games winners among awrd winners. Ultimately gaming itself needs an overhaul. Using the same engines over and over is generic. People need to be able to visualize and create what an artist can draw. They need to be able to produce games quicker at much less cost. One thing I always thought was why cant all of those modders and developers work together to collectively create an engine for a game as an ever ongoing project? Why cant everyone create THE engine? Why cant textures be stored and built upon? Physics could also be stored and always added on by the modding community for every game and from developers who could use those resources freely? They just download whatever code, textures exct they're looking for. Once its debugged and sent through a beta it could be added. Ultimately within a few years time modders and developers could jump forward about six to ten years in development. If you want to add original textures and such that would be up to whoever is making the game. The editor could constantly be updated for bugs, ease of use, new animations, textures and code. You could literally end up with limitless choices to choose from.
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#10 Maestro_AKQ
Member since 2004 • 1529 Posts
The movie and gaming industry both suffer from many illnesses. One of them is repetiveness. Thats where innvation comes in. Another is ideas. Ideas are sometimes like a loaded gun. For me personally I get offended sometimes by games and movies. The most recent instance is Medieval2 Total War. Although im to blame myself becausede I asked for the game. To make a long story short its almost like they try to paint a picture that they want people to believe and not what reality is. They take alot of cheap shots at christianity. Now I know there are alot of fakes out there. My point is, they put alot of effort and spin in it to make it say what they want to. If you get down to the core of it, each man is responsible for his on heart and actions. Blaiming religion is a copout for people who dont believe. They go out of their way to make people new ideas look like heretics to christians. In fact the opposite is true. The Bible says the world was round before any scientist EVER discovered it. That among a ton of other things. Oblivion did it too. The only good faction is Knights of the Nine. They are historically suppose to represent the Knights Templar. Sorry but the Knights Templar were not christians no matter what they call themselves and they were not good guys. Oblivion has so many underlying themes its like brainwashing. YUCK. Now for the next part. I agree with some of what he is saying but I think some of it rather suits a hidden agenda. First of all do these guys understand how many PC gamers would be cut off if they could only buy games through online services? To put it in my perspective I have been gaming since 1987. Not one time in my life have I ever paid for a game with anything but cash. I dont have good credit. Even when I busted my arse I didnt gte any credit cards even though there were no blemishes on my credit. Plus credit cards have fees on them to use your own money. They add up overtime and it equates to borrowing and throwing away money. You're also subject to someone else and you can get yourself into dire debt like millions of Americans are. I would be cut off from PC gaming if I had to download games. So would half of the industry around the world. When I get older I dont ant my kids coming to me wanting to use a credit card everytime they want a game either. Maybe if you could purchase cards from EB for a gaming site and scartch off a decoded number I could go for it. And twenty dollars here and there for some 2D game isnt going to save any money either. to be continued. . .
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