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Edited By Lotus12345

Lookin' good. Too bad these aren't the graphics for the game hehe

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Edited By Lotus12345

@Hanif_shadow I had some moments when Ezio stopped with the Apple in Revelations and was so curious about what will hapen next. And now when I see this, I can't wait to see how to story will continue!

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Edited By Lotus12345

If you like a game BUY IT

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Edited By Lotus12345

Los Angeles is the current front-runner in the rumor mill for GTA V's setting. Reasons for GTA V taking place in Los Angeles include the following: Rockstar has a lot of experience with Los Angeles and can use assets from previous games like L.A. Noire, a casting call for voice actors included a call for a character obsessed with becoming a Hollywood celebrity, and GTA: San Andreas was the best-selling entry in the series. Likewise, Miami is listed as a possibility due to the popularity of Vice City, but as one columnist pointed out, Miami in the 1980's is the best time to set such a game, and that's been done. Although Detroit and Chicago mentioned frequently in wish lists for the location of GTA V, there doesn't seem to be much supporting evidence for GTA being set in the Midwest besides the fact that it hasn't yet been set there. Some gamers mention that Detroit could be particularly fun because it could involve cross-border smuggling to and from Canada. Drugs in, guns out, eh? London is a possibility due to expansion packs for the original GTA being set there, and the fact that moving the series to Europe could be a nice change of pace. There's also a Rockstar studio in the UK that does a lot of work on the GTA series, so it'd be logistically possible to set a GTA game there. Of course, with most numbered GTA games having taken place in New York City, and with Rockstar headquartered there, we could always be returning to a life of crime in the Big Apple.