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#1 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts
i dont think they wouldve made the wireless adapter if it didnt work on ur 360... unless u dont have wirless internet
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#2 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts

First off let me say that i love my 360 and have been an avid halo gamer since the xbox 1 launch

Halo 3 is an awesome game, but it has so many little things wrong with it that are just plain inexcusable.

-In multiplayer, even when everyone has perfect connections (there is almost never lag in halo3 which is good), often when people die the dead bodies skip around, almost like all the 360s connected to the game cannot agree where this dead body goes. This was also a problem in halo2 online. How hard is it to render a good dead body....i have played horrible, low budget games, that do not have this problem seemingly related to lazy development.

- melee....we all know this is a problem. crafty halo2 players, after winning a close fight, could also win a second fight ,despite having a lower shield, by using good grenades, tactics, and a melee t finish it off. Not an option in halo3.

- maps...halo 3 plays just as good (well...mostly) gameplay as the other two games in multiplayer, but the map selection is subpar. There are some really great ones, but twice as many terrible ones. Whenever you get a game, the first map is usually vetoed, and then people moan and gripe about the second one. It always happens, the maps suck for the most part.

- the, let me make myself clear...i actually LOVE the artstyle of this game and think its very polished and detailed, as clearly prooved when zooming in incredibly close in both single and multiplayer, but from afar, everything looks drap. The 640p jaggies certainly do not help. I have died numerous times in multiplayer and have had my dead body get really close to the camera and i can see all the details and intricate markings, only to wonder why i never notice from afar??? Also, the scout helmet has some ridiculous, low res, 2d lines on it, making it look like an n64 helmet.

- rockets...bungie fixes, but creates a problem. They fix the lock on feature that made vehicles worthless in the second game, only to add this overpowered weapon into EVERY small map, making every game on these small maps a rush for the rockets.

- smacktalk...bungie impliments an EASY muting tool to silence people in matchmaking...but you never use it becayse you never hear the enemies talk in ranked games. That was half the fun of ranked games on halo2, and also added strategy. In tense situations when surrounded by enemies in halo 2, you could hear them breathing or chattering, not so in halo3.

- hereare my biggest complaints, as i think most peoples are....firstly THE CAMPAIGN...gamers everywhere reminice about the open ended, guerilla warfare of halo 1s campaign. I wont describe it, but if you havent played it, you need to. Halo 2 slipped up, and when bungie admitted this i thought we would see a more halo 1 style campaign, but no. They designed the same half assed linear campaign again. secondly the STORY...halo 1 set up and revealed the perfect amount of backstory in the campaign to make you CARE about the campaign, but halo 2 introduces the talking plant, and halo 3 slips again. The higher quality cutscenes kept making me think this story would be dug into more, but i kept being let down. The ark took up like a 5 second cutscene. they visit the ark, which MAKES THE HALO RINGS!!! (How cool is that!! (SERIOUSLY)), but they never delve into it and you never learn anymore history of the forerunners or anything. Oh...speaking of forerunners..."Well masterchief, uh, well, you, kinda...are the forerunners...or descendants of them...or seomthing" (which is basically how it played itself out in the cutscene. Imagine a huge battle for the ark thing on earth, and then a massive cutscene featuring the humans exploring the inside and learning foreunner shoots open a big ball and then the flood land on earth...

- the story in all the books just further prooves how GREAT AND DEEP the halo story really is, but these people refuse to impliment half the depth of it in the second and third games....disapointing.

- sorry for the long read...list and describe things that let YOU down in halo3 (and 2 for that matter). I have many more but its late!


My brain hurts:cry:

lol me 2, its 2 much to read

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#4 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts

i will be playing Halo 3 on my new xbox 360 :)

cant wait, wat about yall?

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#5 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts

because Halo 3 owns it, plain and simple :)

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#6 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts
nothing..i gota wait it out til tommorrow lol
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#7 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts

i need cool ideas for a gamertag, i cant decide wat to make it, but here is wat i like: rap music, basketball, footbal, pizza, playin games

i hope that can help


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#8 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts

[QUOTE="Spinbrett"]I was in a game on the orange box. Some clan samed GoC was calling people (not in their clan) on their own team N****** and that they should all be picking cotton. Then they started singing songs about the south and black people, but again called them and others on their team the N word. The one leading the way was named Gemmie. He then got in argument with a player named agent and told him to pick cotton and that he was his slave. Then he started saying every sexual thing possible. I know people say oh well, but come on, they do it because nothing happens. Just stay away from that clan unless you like racist and sexual slurs.partytimekegs

They should come down to the south and say that. =)

It'd be a great party..

You know, with a 40oz.. a bat.. and some of my friends who are black.

BUT you know.. kids say the craziest things.. on the INTERNET.

haha yeah, thats the way i would do someone

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#10 Kmont624
Member since 2007 • 274 Posts
cuz its better