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#1 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

Sales are good but any good games this Holiday 08DeadSpaceXIII

im getting wii-music and animal crossing

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#2 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

Wow. And here we're only on October 6 2008. I think you meant 2007.BumFluff122

that predition is a possibility for the next 3 month !!!

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#3 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts



5 million units sold in north america alone from oct-01-2008-dec-31-2008

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#4 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

[QUOTE="Kakarot00769"]it would seem that the videogame industry is heading on a different direction , while it's true that gta 4 and halo 3 has sold millions of copies to the hardcore crowd ,games like guitar hero , rockband ,wii-fit has ,brain training ,nintendogs found a market of it's own ..wii has truly disrupted the industry with it's casual approach and has propelled nintendo to the top of the videogame world ..today the wii outsells the competing "hardcore" systems combined !!! ..ds is ahead of psp by 32 million units !! ..miyamoto's approach of videogame should be for everyone not just your typical male teen aged 12-19 has paid in dividends ...whatever happened to the ps2 crowd of 150 million gamers ? , they sure arent flocking to ps3 and xbox 360 ..could it be that the price of the hd consoles scared them off? ,maybe the xbox 360 rrod was a factor ? or maybe ,gamers have all grown up and has little time for games that require 30-60 hr adventures ? or maybe it's all of the above ?....your thoughts ?WhenTheTwoFace

no. hardcore gamers will never die. but u can keep dreaming.

why cant we just all co-exist ? i meant the future of gaming maybe heading to the miyamoto /nintendo approach of getting casuals on board

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#5 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

Casual gaming and hardcore gaming will always be around.

If casual games flood the market, developers will take advantage by offering something to the hardcore audience.

Neither audience needs to feel threatened by the other.


casuals outnumber hardcores in the millions

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#6 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts
it would seem that the videogame industry is heading on a different direction , while it's true that gta 4 and halo 3 has sold millions of copies to the hardcore crowd ,games like guitar hero , rockband ,wii-fit has ,brain training ,nintendogs found a market of it's own ..wii has truly disrupted the industry with it's casual approach and has propelled nintendo to the top of the videogame world ..today the wii outsells the competing "hardcore" systems combined !!! ..ds is ahead of psp by 32 million units !! ..miyamoto's approach of videogame should be for everyone not just your typical male teen aged 12-19 has paid in dividends ...whatever happened to the ps2 crowd of 150 million gamers ? , they sure arent flocking to ps3 and xbox 360 ..could it be that the price of the hd consoles scared them off? ,maybe the xbox 360 rrod was a factor ? or maybe ,gamers have all grown up and has little time for games that require 30-60 hr adventures ? or maybe it's all of the above ?....your thoughts ?
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#7 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

ms is in a desperate situation with xbox 360 , thye know the only way they can compete is to drop price this holiday season , it will still fall behind wii in overall sales for the month of september in north america , japan ,europe and the entire world ... and you can take that to the bank !!!!


Is anyone expecting it to outsell the Wii? Your pro-Wii attitude is disturbing. :|

Well dropping the price is a last resort... it's pretty sad.

i agree

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#8 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

I guess Sony was extremely desperate when they cut the price of the PS2 by 1/3 back back in 2001. :roll:Stevo_the_gamer



November 22, 2005

  • Launch of Xbox 360 Premium (20 GB) - $399.99
  • Launch of Xbox 360 Core - $299.99

April 29, 2007

  • Launch Xbox 360 Elite (120 GB) - $479.99[29]

August 6, 2007[30]

  • Price Cut on Xbox 360 Premium (20 GB) - $349.99
  • Price Cut on Xbox 360 Core - $279.99
  • Price Cut on Xbox 360 Elite - $449.99

October 27, 2007

  • Launch of Xbox 360 Arcade - $279.99[31]
  • Discontinuation of Xbox 360 Core

July 13, 2008[32]

  • Price cut on Xbox 360 Premium (20 GB) - $299.99

August 1, 2008[32]

  • Launch of Xbox 360 Premium (60 GB) - $349.99

September 5, 2008[33]

  • Price Cut on Xbox 360 Elite - $399.99
  • Price Cut on Xbox 360 (60 GB) - $299.99
  • Price Cut on Xbox 360 Arcade - $199.99


7 price cuts for all skus of xbox 360 in total , tell me if that isnt desperation ?...4 this year alone lol and thats only in north america ,once you include europe and japan and it will double digits ,how many price drops for wii ??? none and still selling over 12 million boxes over 360 and the gap is widening every month wordwide ,remember wii came out 1 year later tan xbox 360 ...

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#9 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

This is the AAA line up your so proud of?

Please, it's nearly 3 times larger than what the PS3 has -- and it's more than twice than what the Wii has.Don't spin what he said, that list is full of fantastic games; whether or not you say otherwise is no one's concern.

1) you conveniently left PC of of your little graphs

Don't hide behind the PC.

2) looking at that list the 360 has far less AAA exclusives than I expected, which make it even more pathetic

Exclusives don't dictate quality -- don't make it out to be. Exclusivity this generation is not what is used to be -- it doesn't matter this generation. The Xbox 360 has always been about superb 3rd party titles, and conveniently, not a single Xbox 360 AAA is playable on your Wii system. Pity.

3) All I see on that list are 2 budget download games, a bunch of multiplats and a bunch of casualware.

Your pro-wii attitude is clouding your reason -- and judgement.

Do you understand why nobody is buying this thing anymore? Do you understand that those games don't add any value to your 360 because they are multiplat? Do you understand that MS would be insane to release another xbox? If you don't understand that now you never will and you will just be sitting there 2 years from no wondering why nobody is on XBL anymore and why your console doesn't work anymore and where you went wrong. You seriously need to "jump out".

From what I've seen - it's outsold the Wii in Japan for a week, and outsold the PS3 last month according to NPD, s obviously people are STILL buying this thing. Not to mention sales have increased dramatically due to the price drop, people are buying the Xbox 360 --- again, don't let your pro-wii attitude cloud your reason. Microsoft has the best console this generation, and they know it -- the Xbox 360 experience is the expereince to beat, and because of the market share they have, they'd be fools t not continue the Xbox brand. It was an investment for Microsoft, you don't always make money right off the bat for your investments. They take time -- you have to be patient, instant gratification is never good.


ms is in a desperate situation with xbox 360 , thye know the only way they can compete is to drop price this holiday season , it will still fall behind wii in overall sales for the month of september in north america , japan ,europe and the entire world ... and you can take that to the bank !!!!

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#10 Kakarot00769
Member since 2004 • 9306 Posts

I love threads like these, it always gives me a good laugh. I pity the Wii gamers.Stevo_the_gamer

thank nintendo for what it has done in the business for its fight agaisnt videogame ignorance