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I think it has potential. My idea for the perfect game would be Mario + GTA + Metal Gear Solid + Final Fantasy VII + Zelda + God of War + Halo + Resident Evil :lol:Bioshockraptor
damn lol thats alota games in one
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I'd rather worry about my baller needing to take a dump before the big game than a drive-by........hehehe. I think you should rethink your combo. How about Sports+Bully. Theres your crappy school element. Throw in a little "The Warriors" where you and your teammates/friends clash with other teams/friends at a bar or on the field for various reasons like girls. Im not big into sports but It sounds fun. I think it was the first baller game that made a very crappy attempt at free roam + bball ?? The only problem with all this is that you are TOTALLY overestimating the ability of the sport game developers. Those ------- like nice easily programmed cardboard cutout yearly crapfest titles where you just have to change jersey names and numbers lol. _AbBaNdOn
----- I wouldn't even call ballers free-roam.. and if "they" do then.. sh*t your right... Perhaps I should throw out the whole collage and going to c l a s s thing?? maybe someone just sees him playing 'downtown' somewhere??? yeah I agree with you on the ability of the sport game developers, they don't need much skill. but lets say they sat down with the people of rockstar, they could make it pretty badass and maybe between free-roam and during the game/match you could have different level of graphics just so the gaming system could handle it? but i dont think the systems that are out there can handle what im thinking right now. but definitely in the near future
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I think it's got potential, Madden meets The sims and Soccer Manager. I can see it working sometime in the future. My idea Is virtually impossible to make until say...100 years or so if games and machines develop as fast as they are now. It's a game where you create a Merc, you choose a suitable personality and a backstory that affects your Safe houses's look and location. It'll also affect your start budget and somewhat reputation. The budget is handled to pay for gear, food, weapons, ammo, fake passports, Cell phones, transportation, bribe, electricity bill, water bill and taxes. Each destination is to be traveled to, meaning that if you are to meet a rebel group in the amazons and you are located in Finland, then you need to get out of your office, take a car or taxi to an airport, fly to the closest airport to your destination ( might be forced to take two plane trips), pay someone to drive you to someone with a boat, pay the boat to take you up river, jump off and walk the rest of the miles on foot ( might even have to make camp for a night or two). Then once the mission is done, travel back to the safehouse. The Reputation determines what kind of jobs you get and how much you're paid for completing a job, a small reputation might land you more bouncer and bodyguard jobs for celebrities while a high reputation might land you a job to protect a Ambassador against a rebellion group or Put you in a group with other mercs to attack and rescue hostages in the cambodian jungle for instance. There would also be a good reputation and bad reputation The game would also be MMO, meaning that if you are to protect the ambassador, then three other players have the same job but two other players have gotten the job of killing the ambassador. If you succed you get a good reputation, if you don't then you get a bad reputation and your next job might not pay as much as the previous one. I'm thinking it'll be first person/Third person view in game.Treflis
----- yeah that sounds pretty cool.. I'd buy it. but I don't think it would take 100 years before something like that would come out. and i want my idea to be aimed more towards Madden meets Grand Theft Auto rather then the Sims
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knight0151 wrote: "Hmm....naw. don't think it would succeed. When I saw basketball, I thought this was going to get bel air'ed". --- haha! 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'.... but It doesn't have to be basketball it could potentially be anything...
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Lollipop TycoonBlack_Knight_00
lollipop?? haha.... is that a real game? but yeah rollercoaster tycoon hands down
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Member since 2009 • 25 Posts
Yo check this out; I got an idea for a game. I love GTA and I love sport games... With that said I would like to see a some kind of sport game mixed with a GTA type story... I was playing NBA ballers and then i played gta right after and it got me thinking,.. OK ill try to explain what I picture in my head... Quick Basic story: You play a character in college living on campus who has made some bad decisions in life and is about to fail out of school.. But one day after c l a s s he/she goes to play basketball (or what ever sport) with a friend, the coach sees you have skills and offers you a spot on his team if you can keep up with your grades by going to c l a s s Working your way through the story, You start making some money from advertisements, new friends, Scouts like what they see and you get drafted to the pros after you Grad from college? Maybe after a successful career you can retire and decide to own and/or coach a team? Game play: While playing the sport, the game play looks and feels like all the other sport games out there. But before and after the game your character has a map to navigate and has events(partys, press conferences?), missions(evil/good?), tasks(make it to games and practices, escape/talk to press?) and a story to follow just like in GTA for example? Other ideas: Throughout the story your able to buy houses(things to go in the houses?), cars(customizable?), clothes, whatever else sport stars might buy. *Throughout the game Your character should be able to choose and make decisions on the image you want to project(rough, nice, cocky, showoff, Laid back) *As you progress with the story you receive perks(body guards, 24hour limo service kinda like the taxis in the latest gta, girls!?) *based on the decisions you make teammates, rivals, fans may not like you so you may have to defend your self(Body Guards) I've been hearing friends and random people around me talking about a game like this and wondering when something like this will come out. I imagine a game like this would be hard to make which is probably why no one has done it yet. I've always wanted a game like this to come out and I believe it would be a big hit. **the story doesn't have to be anything like i said. i just did it to get people thinking but i don't want anything rated (E) thats fo sho the last thing i want is it to sound like a cheesy, preppy, kiddie storyline that comes from Disney** let me know what you think, give me some ideas and share your ideas on a new game idea of your own if you got any..?!?!
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oh!! I always play more then one game at a time otherwise id get bored or sick of the game if i only played the one till the end