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#1 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

Only sony and microsoft exec's and fanboys care about exclusives. Gamers hate them.

If a game is exclusive to a system I don't have, I either don't get to play it or I have to go buy a system I otherwise don't need or want.

If a game is exclusive to a system I do have: all that means is other gamers don't get to enjoy it with me. Why would I want that?

When a developer makes a great game: I want to play it, I want my friends to play it, I want it to sell well so the developer is rewarded and will continue to make great games. Exclusiveness hurts the probability of these things happening.

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#2 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

Switching disks has never bothered me. It's never bothered any gamer. Fanboys should let this die.

Bluray is not needed for gaming. When all PC games ship on bluray disks, then it is needed for gaming. The PS3 has a bluray drive because this was sony's strategy for winning the hd format war. It worked, but it has hurt the ps3 far more than it has helped it.

I'm a PC gamer too, so I'm used to installs. It's not a big deal, but the PS3 comes with a tiny hard drive (40gb). And spending another $100 for another 40gb is crazy. $100 will buy you a 500gb hard drive for the PC all day long. PS3 owners will probably need to buy and additional hard drive. This is a drag but so is buying a wireless adapter for the 360.

I've had my 360 since 4/2006, and it has never given me any problems so I can't comment on RROD.

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#3 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

1. STALKER is one of my favorite games of all time. Be patient, it's worth it

2. Definitely install the latest patches

3. STALKER seems to really tax the computer. I had my cpu and gpu overclocked, and I thought everything was stable (they passed a lot of stability tests), but it turns out my GPU wasn't stable, and STALKER would make it crash every time. Same set up would play Crysis, etc no problems. I would guess that the BSOD is a hardware/driver issue, and STALKER is just making it reach critical mass and crash.

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#4 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

Low scores make SW interesting. I saw the score and thought "SW will be buzzing today!"

Seriously though, I keep waiting for the games that will convince me to buy a PS3. The big exclusives keep getting pushed back (2007 is the year, 2008 is the year, now 2008 is okay, but 2009 is the year), the multiplats are better on the xbox360, and then we have the Lair and Haze events.

I'm amazed that the PS3 often underperforms the x360 when it's a year older. Sony harvested the playstation name to push bluray. It worked, they've won the format war. But it sucks for gamers who don't care about formats. Playstation used to be a powerhouse in console gaming. Now it's a joke. Jokes are funny. PS3 flops are funny.

I'll keep hoping that the "untapped power" will be found though. Hopefully MGS4 will be awesome. Hopefully KZ2 will be awesome. Hopefully GoW3 will be awesome. Maybe I'll get a PS3 in 2009....

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#5 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

I can't believe how good this game is. 8 years old, and it does so many things better than every other game I've played. Why don't they make more games like this?

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#6 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

I can't believe the fanboy goggles people are wearing. Haze looks awesome so far. Looks like it will have really fun multiplayer as well. I won't buy a PS3 just for Haze, but I'll probably get one for MGS4. If so, I'll definitely keep my eye on Haze.

The only downside, is it looks like another "run and gun" shooter. How many of these do we really need?

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#7 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

[QUOTE="deadmeat59"]wow thats an expensive rig. you only put in 2 gb ram thats not much.CheeChee_Macko

This is the second post today from you saying that 2GB is not enough. 2GB is all that is necessary for gaming at present. Why would you buy any more? By the time more RAM is necessary you will be able to buy 4GB of DDR3 for $100. It is just a waste of money right now.

I did my research and chose 2gb of ram. I'm not going to argue about this choice, but if I wanted 4 gb of the same Crucial Ballastix (excellent memory) that I've got, I would cost another $35 after rebate from Newegg.

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#8 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

I don't agree that a gamerankings score of 85 or so for a pc game would translate to 90+ on consoles. Unless you're implying that the lack of PC only reviews would raise the score, while console only review outlets would decrease it. When it comes to many multiplatform games, the pc equivalent is certainly better(though by how much?).. but to say games in general, like Mario Galaxy, can't hold their own against even decent titles the pc has offered is not fair.


Fun factor wise, I think the GOY console games easily hold up to GOY PC games. This is why I'll keep my consoles and buy a Wii and PS3 in the future. But PC games are held to a higher standard. Multiplats on the PC will often be scored lower, when if anything they're better. That's not my point though. My point is a person who only buys 90%+ games on consoles (me for example) should buy 85%+ games on the PC.

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#9 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

Hey, that's almost the same setup I have! I think I put too much thermal paste on my CPU, though. Can't seem to get it higher than 2.7GHz without the temps going to 70C.



You've definitely got something wrong with your HSF (heatsink Fan). Mine easily overclocked past 3ghz with even the stock HSF. My processor is "GO" stepping. I've read the "B3" version isnt as overclockable, but even it should do 3ghz on the stock HSF from what I've read.

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#10 Hoikensnogin
Member since 2007 • 63 Posts

For just the PC (no monitor, speakers, mouse, keyboard, or OS) I paid ~$830. I shopped around a lot though. Used Fatwallet.com, rebates, coupons, ebay, etc. Without shopping around, the cost would be ~$1000. The OS (vista OEM) was $70 from Jigantic.com.