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#1 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

Thats getting into the realm of nitpicky. I doubt Rockstar is looking at making Grand Theft Auto more realistic than it is already for the simple reason that the games are appealing because of how absurd they are...that and the entertaining characters but GTA4 didn't have those.

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#2 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

Although the game is last-gen, so it doesn't meet today's technical standards, I thought Okami had really nice looking graphics. In my opinion, it probably had the most interesting art style in its generation.

Then again, most games with actual colour to them tend to be overlooked graphically. Look at all the praise Killzone 2 is getting for being multiple shades of grey(Before I get slammed, the gameplay could be fantastic for all I know. I just don't find the game visually appealing beyond the technical achievement of the graphics.).

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#3 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

[QUOTE="foxhound_fox"]If, like VALVe, everyone started looking at the "unserved" pirates as something other than a unfixable blight, then there might be some amount of progress towards mending the issue.dc337

Way to completely avoid my question.

Let me ask again: What about pirates that can afford to buy a game but choose not to? Are you going to tell me that they don't exist?

You seem to be in serious denial about main reason people pirate games/movies/music: because they don't want to pay.

Or perhaps you believe that all the people who pirated world of goo are in fact unserved customers?

They aren't jerks ripping off an independent developer? They would pay the measly $20 if they could?


Hope you like online games because that is the direction pc gaming is going thanks to pirates and their defenders like you. The U.S. pc gaming market is basically headed towards being like South Korea where people have money but choose to pirate which results in their game market being dominated by MMORPGs.

What about the unsure PC gamers who are wondering about future purchases? Demos for PC games have become a thing of the past leaving people with three options: Buy the game blind and risk the game being crap, pirate the game, or just avoid most commercial games for freeware (the route I take). Just because I can afford games does not mean that I'm going to blindly waste $50 without knowing if the game is any good or not.
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#4 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts
[QUOTE="finalfantasy94"][QUOTE="Verge_6"] Buying one of their all-too-many remakes/ports/spinoffs just encourages to it more and more, until we won't get ANY new IPs out of them. Why would anyone want that?Verge_6

Cause idk this might sound crazy they enjoy the remakes or spinoffs. Why should someone cancel thier fun cause people are like "waa waa waa I want a new IP". I do though have a problem with ports. Mainly cause they rip you off price wise. Come on 40 bucks for chrono.

If they enjoy them, then what's so hard about buying the originals? If they can't play them because of "teh lame grafix", then I'm even more disgusted that SE is catering primarily to those kind of people.

Sometimes the originals of games are either obscenely expensive, don't work, save battery is dead, etc. There is nothing wrong with people who haven't played a game before purchasing a remake in order to get the legendary experience if the buyer doesn't agree with emulation. For all the anti-piracy rants that go on here, I'm amazed that you people are so against something like that.

Christ, Final Fantasy IV was released a year after I was born. Do you honestly think I had the experience of playing it on my Super Nintendo?

I agree that Square-Enix is over doing the remakes but you can't blame the gamers who want to experience a game that they missed out on.

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#5 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

These ex-employees should learn to shut up.

Even if they hold a grudge against their former boss, this kind of behavior is childish at best

without criticism there can be no improvement

Criticism should be done internally while you actually work there. Not by pissy anonymous ex-employees on some random blog

Internal criticism can get you fired...
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#6 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

Blizzard can still screw it up in fact, they've already begun with their decision to make people buy each campaign seperately. No matter how you spin it, that is a stupid decision.

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#7 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

I'd say Half-Life wins but I guess it just falls down to opinion.

Half-Life and Half-Life 2 did not have great plots by the way, why has it become fashionable to claim that it did? The only compelling and interesting thing was G-Man.

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#8 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

[QUOTE="Skittles_McGee"][QUOTE="MarthRingman"] Wait a second here. I never said all sequels were worse than the originals! Want a prime example, Super Mario Bros 3 > Super Mario Bros! Don't try changing my own argument on me.MarthRingman
I'm not changing anything, you are. I'm just repeating what you told me. Which is this: "yours that sequels are somehow at the very least the same as their original." That part of your post says I'm arguing that sequels in general are better, which is a blatant twist on my words. I only argued that games which improve upon the originals are better. Don't try making me look like the one twisting words when you're doing it yourself.

You didn't mention a single "improved" game that wasn't a sequel. Sorry for taking the logical step to assume you were referencing sequels. If your argument is that games such as Soul Calibur are better than older ones such as Street Figher, I would tend to agree. You, instead listed subpar sequels to games- Majora's Mask which WASN'T an improvement on Ocarina, and Metroid Prime 3 which WASN'T better than Metroid Prime.

Take your nostalgia glasses off.

When Ocarina of Time was released, I was absolutely obsessed over it. I played the game to the extent that close to ten years after my obsession, I still have the game completely memorized. It was the first Zelda game I had ever played(I was five when the N64 was launched and I couldn't read during the SNES generation) and I don't think there will ever be another single player game that will ever grab hold like Ocarina of Time did.

That being said, Majora's Mask was and improvement on Ocarina. There were tons of sidequests, an interesting story, the dungeons had more depth to them, better music, better graphics, better gamplay, etc. Granted, it is a matter of opinion of which game you feel is better. I personally think that Majora's Mask was superior to Ocarina even though it didn't have the same effect over me. Majora's Mask built on the foundation laid by Ocarina all those years earlier.

That being said, if any of those games were released today, they'd flop very hard.

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#9 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts
Twinky: You have made me fallen even more in love with the concept for a WW1 game. Those ideas are marvelous.
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#10 Hippostrike
Member since 2006 • 1014 Posts

I own everything from this generation: Wii, 360, PS3, Gaming PC, PSP, DS Lite.

The only ones that get regular use are the PC and the DS, although I don't have regular access to my PS3 and if I did have more of a chance to play it, it would get a lot more action.