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#1 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts
You can't spell Mohammed without ham.ShadowJax04
someone give this clown a bone
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#2 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts
[QUOTE="FreshPrinceUk"]Everything has a creatorRandolph
Who created your god? Who created the god who created your god? Who created the god creating god that created the god that created your god?

He created everything in this universe, everything you can see, hear, touch. You can do neither of these things in regards to him as he is not a physical being.
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#3 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts


my views are not relevant, i may or may not be religious.

explain your logic for believing in whatever Deity you happen to believe in.

also it should be noted that some churches have accepted that the big bang happened...take that as you will.


AHHHHH I was typing and accidently pressed back .... not happy :(.... lol im not typing that again anyways I do not have time to converse somewhere where my views are worthless. lets just say I was born a Muslim and its clear to me as it should be to any sane person that we are on this planet in this universe because it was someone's will. Everything has a creator, how can people be so closed minded with regards to this? if the big bang was created from dust particles and what not, where do these scientists think such dust came from? if people believe that the dust has always been there, lol then these people are as delusional as they come

i think you need to educate yourself on contemporary scientific theory, if you are going to attempt to debate it.

and I think you should educate yourself on Islam before you attempt to debate it. Because if you truly did, you would find no reasons to argue against it and would have no reason to conform to what your governments and media want you to think Islam is.
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#4 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts


why would you believe in a being that would damn you to eternal or semi-eternal punishment over disagreements?


not a believer hmmm? can I ask you why you believe that we have no creator? Why do you believe that the universe was created by.... a big bang? If this was the case, why do you think the big bang occurred on its own? apologies if these arnt your beliefs but you get my point. I believe because it is the only logical thing to do

my views are not relevant, i may or may not be religious.

explain your logic for believing in whatever Deity you happen to believe in.

also it should be noted that some churches have accepted that the big bang happened...take that as you will.

AHHHHH I was typing and accidently pressed back .... not happy :(.... lol im not typing that again anyways I do not have time to converse somewhere where my views are worthless. lets just say I was born a Muslim and its clear to me as it should be to any sane person that we are on this planet in this universe because it was someone's will. Everything has a creator, how can people be so closed minded with regards to this? if the big bang was created from dust particles and what not, where do these scientists think such dust came from? if people believe that the dust has always been there, lol then these people are as delusional as they come
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#5 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts

[QUOTE="FreshPrinceUk"][QUOTE="JML897"]I wish GS had an ignore function so I could block this FreshPrinceUk guy, it's pretty clear that he'll never have anything of value to sayfrannkzappa

your in luck mate coz I do not come here to air my views often. Im sure you are a valued member of this community right? With lots of lovely input and a real harmonising attitude? lol this guy spurts essence of lavender with a hint of cherry blossom when he has something to say. Keep living your desensitised life, keep believing what your government tells you, keep accepting things which are clearly un natural, I am not the one who will judge you in the end good sir

why would you believe in a being that would damn you to eternal or semi-eternal punishment over disagreements?

not a believer hmmm? can I ask you why you believe that we have no creator? Why do you believe that the universe was created by.... a big bang? If this was the case, why do you think the big bang occurred on its own? apologies if these arnt your beliefs but you get my point. I believe because it is the only logical thing to do
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#6 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts
I wish GS had an ignore function so I could block this FreshPrinceUk guy, it's pretty clear that he'll never have anything of value to sayJML897
your in luck mate coz I do not come here to air my views often. Im sure you are a valued member of this community right? With lots of lovely input and a real harmonising attitude? lol this guy spurts essence of lavender with a hint of cherry blossom when he has something to say. Keep living your desensitised life, keep believing what your government tells you, keep accepting things which are clearly un natural, I am not the one who will judge you in the end good sir
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#7 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts

[QUOTE="FreshPrinceUk"][QUOTE="toast_burner"]Natural simply means without human interference. It's a meaningless word used by the uneducated to help them prove a point hat has no actual evidence.

But even so many animals can also be gay, so it is without a doubt natural. Can you give a reason why you think it isn't? And if it isn't how does that mean it's bad?


Are you comparing us to animals? We are above animals, we can think for ourselves where as they run on instinct. Ok so a few animals instincts do not kick in where required it does not mean it is natural for them either. If the world was gay, we would not be here thus I believe it is not natural. Be aware I am a Muslim and unlike the majority of people on gamespot I believe in God and Gods will so being gay is not accepted, thus I have no doubt people here will not agree with my views. But that's what they are, they are my views alone. O yeah, I follow ISLAM...... Hate me gamespot! :)

Breaking news: homosexuality discovered to be a synthetic disorder created by disgruntled antisocial scientists from the stone age.

Or possibly God or a demon put it on Earth to troll us into unnatural life and test our faith. Take your pick.

lol, a comedian hmmm? well im laughing with u....
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#8 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts

[QUOTE="FreshPrinceUk"][QUOTE="toast_burner"]There aren't less gays in the east. The east is just such a bigoted sh1thole that they have to hide it.

You are clearly an irrational and bigoted person. You have not given a single reason as to why being gay or gender queer is bad, but insist you are correct anyway. 


.... other than the fact that it is not natural? it is not natural end of. If I woke up one day and decided I was attracted to cockroaches I am sure you would be ok with this?

Natural simply means without human interference. It's a meaningless word used by the uneducated to help them prove a point hat has no actual evidence.

But even so many animals can also be gay, so it is without a doubt natural. Can you give a reason why you think it isn't? And if it isn't how does that mean it's bad?

Are you comparing us to animals? We are above animals, we can think for ourselves where as they run on instinct. Ok so a few animals instincts do not kick in where required it does not mean it is natural for them either. If the world was gay, we would not be here thus I believe it is not natural. Be aware I am a Muslim and unlike the majority of people on gamespot I believe in God and Gods will so being gay is not accepted, thus I have no doubt people here will not agree with my views. But that's what they are, they are my views alone. O yeah, I follow ISLAM...... Hate me gamespot! :)
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#9 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts


So much wrong with this.

1. 6 year olds should be capable of wiping their arses. But that's irrelvant

2. People become aware of their gender at a very young age. How old were you when you felt like you were your gender?

3. This isn't about gays, it's about gender, completely diffrent.

4. How is the east any better than the west? They have much more faults in terms of social issues than here.


Im not one to try and rationalise with people on the internet. The world is losing its n=mind more and more every day and people on this site especially are some of the strangest I have ever seen. if this child person is aware of his/her gender this implies that they are mature with regards to things of a sexual nature, thus by your logic if tomorrow they take part in sexual activities it would be perfectly fine because to be mature enough to know about gender, they are mature enough to make their own decisions regarding sex. The east has a tonne of problems, there is no doubt but things like this are unheard of on the other side of the planet, they are not accepted and the people know this. That is why the number of g@ys and transgender people are vastly reduced from those in the western world

There aren't less gays in the east. The east is just such a bigoted sh1thole that they have to hide it.

You are clearly an irrational and bigoted person. You have not given a single reason as to why being gay or gender queer is bad, but insist you are correct anyway. 

.... other than the fact that it is not natural? it is not natural end of. If I woke up one day and decided I was attracted to cockroaches I am sure you would be ok with this?
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#10 FreshPrinceUk
Member since 2007 • 673 Posts

[QUOTE="FreshPrinceUk"]I find it disturbing how you people are ok with a 6 year old tranny....... this kid cant even wipe their own ar*e yet and already thinks he/she is different..... How does being g@y affect the population? .... Here was your answer Well done western world, another win for you! : Stoast_burner

So much wrong with this.

1. 6 year olds should be capable of wiping their arses. But that's irrelvant

2. People become aware of their gender at a very young age. How old were you when you felt like you were your gender?

3. This isn't about gays, it's about gender, completely diffrent.

4. How is the east any better than the west? They have much more faults in terms of social issues than here.

Im not one to try and rationalise with people on the internet. The world is losing its n=mind more and more every day and people on this site especially are some of the strangest I have ever seen. if this child person is aware of his/her gender this implies that they are mature with regards to things of a sexual nature, thus by your logic if tomorrow they take part in sexual activities it would be perfectly fine because to be mature enough to know about gender, they are mature enough to make their own decisions regarding sex. The east has a tonne of problems, there is no doubt but things like this are unheard of on the other side of the planet, they are not accepted and the people know this. That is why the number of g@ys and transgender people are vastly reduced from those in the western world