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#1 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts
id have to say mass effect (maby not the tear bit) or bioshock cos that is cool. if you like rpg's then mass effect is a good idea but if you like fantacy and action (good fighting) then i loved Devil may cry 3, great story plus the cutscenes are sweet!
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#2 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts

yeah I mean playing against a handful of annoying gamers from one nation automatically means that every other gamer from there is annoying :roll: not until you've played every person in the world over XBL can you even begin to form a judgement, sheesh, talk about over generalizations.grafkhun

yeah this is exactly what i was gettin at, you cant look at single experiences and conclude that all brits are annoying, that is just as bad as a brit calling you a fat american.... you are now a hypocrit. (by the way grafkhun im not talkin to u im talkin 2 the others.

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#3 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts

both age and race/nationality are entirely irrelevant.


i agree this is racist and saying "not to be racist" doesnt change that. i mean saying, "a pattern" thats steriotyping races and steriotyping is racism. i know you didnt have bad intentions but that was just ignorant racism.

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#4 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts
im not trying to initiate a fight i just prefer COD4, i liked both but COD is just better in all the categorys.
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#5 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts
cool, cheers for finnaly telling us the game, i dont have it so i cant help but i hope someone can.
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#6 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts

Haha Iv read all the posts one I dont agree with you but thats besides the point. I think it was DLXman? not positive but hey i know where your coming from but you should have seen this coming when u posted this. I have seen many a thread start off as innocent as yours turned into a war. haha i just enjoy taking in both sides of the story. I can see what point u were trying to get across in a very innocent matter but hey this post might be innocent but it would be just like me sayin "Hooray for catholics on xbox live ramadan is coming around and we wont have to see any of those annoying muslims around anymore" You come off as elitist and ageist. Not your fault but hey think your posts through before you end up alienating a group of people.underworld_lead

damn thats a goog point. by the way guy who keeps correcting spelling, i actually was opposing the call for banning young people cos i am one myself, i am not againsed immature people, i find it quite funny wen people sing, they sound rediculous. kids who swear are annoying but that is not just cos they're immature its cos they know there are no reprecussions. anyway people who cant be bothered to be careful wen writing cos they want everyone to think they are interlectual arent immature. then everyone exept you is immature, no one else cares a single bit.

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#7 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts

I think its funny everyone thinks I'm 26 or 30. I guess I'm really mature or something and apparently I have a deep voice. It funny when me and someone starting once they figure out I'm 16 they are like no F in way.zinngg

man thats a big leap, you must look damn old, pepople think im 18 all the time but never 30, i wouldnt even think most 3o yr olds look 30 (just cos wat does 30 look like). if that is true then that is freekin wierd

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#8 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts

existed your probably one of the few logically thinking people on here that ive seen. I appreciate you reading through the pages and reading my other posts before making your own, maybe you will set an example for others. Although i do believe i was pretty clear with my original post that started this subject. If you were to read it in full and understand the context of the words i dont think anyone would have a problem, but i have made many posts to clear up things that many people didnt get the first time around. PROBLEM IS NO ONE TAKES THE TIME TO READ THEM!DLXMAN

DLXMAN look above your post yet another person suggeting the mute button, they must think they are genius's cos they worked that out. nobody seems to read any of it, its like they look at the title and then just post streight away, if you need to mute someone you really shouldnt be playin with them cos its all about social interactin, just as DLXMAN has said hmm well lets say...., a million times!

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#9 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts

Existed i think he was talking to me, but i dont know why he would say that. Me trying to be hard on a gaming website? haha. Anyway that kind of message just proves my point of the people i try to avoid on xbox live.DLXMAN

cool, why would he say that? you know wat i have read through every message in this fomum and although i didnt agree with your initial statement after you corrected yourself it was fine, now im more annoyed bout this guy tryin to correct grammar. plus i see wat you mean avbout people not reading it cos they say stuf that you have already corrected yourself on, if you read this plz read the whole forum b4 dissing DLXMAN cos he has prob already had it sed 2 him and replied b4.

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#10 Existedlemur
Member since 2008 • 102 Posts
i cant belive he still hasnt returned to tell us all wat game he is talkin about.