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#1 DarthVillainous
Member since 2008 • 297 Posts

Hi there, I noticed that a whole bunch of games are missing pages for their DLC. Here are the ones I found:

Game: Valkyria Chronicles
DLC Title: Selvaria's Mission: Behind Her Blue Flame
System: PS3
Date: April, 2009
Region: NA
Support links: http://us.playstation.com/games-and-media/add-ons/valkyria-chronicles-selveria-s-mission-behind-her-blue-flame.html

Game: Valkyria Chronicles
DLC Title: Challenge of the Edy Detachment
System: PS3
Date: February, 2010
Region: NA
Support links: http://us.playstation.com/games-and-media/add-ons/valkyria-chronicles-challenge-of-the-edy.html

Game: Valkyria Chronicles
DLC Title: Edy's Mission: Enter the Edy Detachment
System: PS3
Date: April, 2009
Region: NA
Support links: http://us.playstation.com/games-and-media/add-ons/valkyria-chronicles-edy-s-mission-enter-the-edy-detachment.html

Game: Oblivion
DLC Title: Horse Armor (the infamous Horse Armor!)
System: 360 (+PC/PS3?)
Date: April 3, 2006
Region: NA (& presumably others)
Support links: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/media/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802425307d1/?of=3

Game: Ninja Gaiden 2
DLC Title: Mission Mode
System: 360
Date: July 29, 2008
Region: NA (& presumably others)

Support links: http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/media/66acd000-77fe-1000-9115-d802544307d5/?of=3

Game: Batman Arkham Asylum
DLC Title: Play As the Joker
System: PS3
Date: Sept '09
Region: NA
Support links: http://us.playstation.com/games-and-media/add-ons/batman-arkham-asylum-play-as-the-joker.html

I also found a whole bunch of games that are missing pages for DLC that's made up of things like map packs, character skins, new weapons, etc. However, I was unsure what the guidelines are for such things getting their own pages (though I do note that Modern Warfare 2's map packs each get their own pages). Anyway, there were too many of them to post, so I'll just give a list of the ones I noticed. If such things do normally get their own pages, you can just go to the appropriate xbox.com or playstation.com pages for details.

360: Batman: Arkham Asylum, Crackdown, Gears of War 1 & 2, Halo 3, Halo Wars, Perfect Dark Zero

PS3: Batman Arkham Asylum, Killzone 2, Resistance 1 & 2, Uncharted 2

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#2 DarthVillainous
Member since 2008 • 297 Posts

Of course, right after posting this, I noticed the "missing games" thread. I'll post this there.

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#3 DarthVillainous
Member since 2008 • 297 Posts

I'm not sure if this belongs in this section or not, but I read through the guidelines and this place seemed most appropriate. Anyway, I noticed that some games don't seem to have individual pages set up for any DLC they have out. After a bit of searching, I found that this seems to affect console exclusives more often than not, and that in most cases, it affects things like map packs/new skins/etc. (e.g. a search for "Halo 3" just brought up the game itself along with ODST, but did not bring up the map packs; however, a search for Modern Warfare, which is of course multiplatform, brings up both the game and the map packs). I did also find some cases where DLC that isn't just new maps/skins/etc. is missing (see: all the pages of DLC for Valkyria Chronicles, or rather, the lack thereof). I assume that this is simply an oversight, as it makes no sense to list significant DLC for one game (e.g. Fallout 3), and not for another.

While I don't think the lack of pages for various map packs/etc. is such a big deal (though I'm sure others will disagree), I do think that missing pages for more meaty DLC (like the ones for Valkyria Chronicles) is something that the powers that be should rectify.

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#4 DarthVillainous
Member since 2008 • 297 Posts

Also, I don't know if it means anything, but when using these cables,if the screen is black on 720p (such as when it's loading), there are jagged blue vertical lines running all across the screen (though they go away when the picture comes on). The weird thing is I tried the cablesyesterday on a friend's xbox and HDTV and it worked fine at 480p. Could the problem lie with the xbox itself?

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#5 DarthVillainous
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Using the regular composite cables kinda defeats the purpose of playing xbox on an HDTV.

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#6 DarthVillainous
Member since 2008 • 297 Posts

Oh, and yes, I've enabled widescreen and 480p/720p/1080i in the settings, and have tried disabling them. Nothing has had any effect.

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#7 DarthVillainous
Member since 2008 • 297 Posts

Hi all, I am a recent HDTV adopter and have a problem with my original (unmodded) xbox. Due to the inavailability of Microsoft's official HD AV pack, I bought a Chinese knockoff no-name"Box" brand off ebay (seen here: http://cgi.ebay.ca/High-Definition-HDTV-HD-TV-AV-Pack-For-Microsoft-Xbox_W0QQitemZ370348646918QQcmdZViewItemQQptZVideo_Games_Accessories?hash=item563a7fe206), which I'd read was good. However, when I hooked it up to my TV using component cables, there wasa problem when it displayed at 480p: the screen continually cut out and went black every few seconds, making games unplayable. The weird thing is, when games ran at 480i, they worked. Searching online, I found an apparent discrepancy between the adapter I got and what was being sold elsewhere. It was supposed to look like this: http://www.richspsxparts.com/xboximages/xboxpakfront.jpg, only the colors on the Y/Pr/Pb slots were all screwed up (they were yellow/white/red, making me think they were composite cables rather than component ones). So, naturally, I got a (partial) refund, and bought one elsewhere, only for the same thing to occur (despite being told prior to purchase that it was exactly as it looked like in the picture). The weird thing is, after reading elsewhere online, I experimented with a couple games that display in 720p rather than 480p,andlo and behold, they worked. No cutting in and out. But if I put in a game that runs at 480p, itcuts in and out like crazy.

I know the problem isn't my TV, as both my PS3 and 360 display HD fine no matter what the settings are at, which leads me to conclude that either the cables are screwy (which I think is most likely), or the xbox itself has something wrong with it (which I doubt).Can anyoneoffer any insight into this, or offer a solution (apart from stuff like "get different cables")?

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#8 DarthVillainous
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Personally, I'd love for them to first remake FF7 on 360 and PS3, and then do a proper sequel FF7-2. I think one or both of these will eventually happen, though it could take 20 years. It's simply too much of a potential cash cow for Square Enix to ignore.

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#9 DarthVillainous
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Based on that list, I'd say Halo. Though among games with announcedrelease dates, I'm much more interested in Alpha Protocol and Dragon Age, and maybe Left 4 Dead 2 and Arkham Asylum. Not so much interested in MW2, as military games/movies/books/etc. tend to bore me (especially when they're not based on actual historical events), nor am I interested much in Assassin's Creed 2, as I hated the first (not the gameplay, but the story). BioShock 2 I'm cautiously optimistic for, though I don't see why they needed to make a sequel (apart from as an excuse to print money). I'll wait for reviews/more info on that (specifically, to hear if it's just a sequel made to make money, or if it's actually got a story as good as the first). The trailers for Splinter Cell look awesome, but I've been disappointed by Ubisoft Montreal before (see: AC,recent PoP). That said, their overall track record is outstanding (PoP: SoT trilogy, BG&E).

It's been a weak year overall compared to the last 2 (not just on 360, but in general), and while there are still some games that look good coming in the last half of the year, there aren't nearly as many as 2008 and 2007 had. 2010 has the potential to be epic, though, if the release dates for games coming then hold.

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#10 DarthVillainous
Member since 2008 • 297 Posts

To all those people saying Europe has it worse, I suggest they look at a map. Canada is RIGHT NEXT to the U.S. On the other hand, Europe is an ocean away. There is absolutely no excuse for games not being released in Canada the same day as the U.S. (and BlazBlue is by no means the only recent game for this to happen to, only the one with the longest delay... usually when it happens it's more like 2 days). It's simply disgusting that this happens as often as it does.

Rant over.