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#1 DGM09
Member since 2003 • 432 Posts

Blur is cinematic, alright?

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#2 DGM09
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If you believe that blur to be a realistic depiction of how it actually works, your life must suck all the time. Rationalize all you want and stay blind, casuals.

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#3 DGM09
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Tom McShe

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#4  Edited By DGM09
Member since 2003 • 432 Posts

@speak_low said:

There's no problem if you prefer 720p/60fps. There's a rusty nail poster sticking out in this thread who said you are the worst human alive for wanting anything higher, but sacrificing frame rate.

High Horse forgetting that Rare's Donkey Kong Country SNES back in 1994 was graphically-groundbreaking and its visuals were its main selling point. The frame rate took a hit in a few spots (those who played it remember the slowdown) but the graphics were unlike anything gamers had seen at the time, and even Miyamoto was floored at what was possible.

That means all those people I mentioned above, even Miyamoto, are morons and dragging the industry down, because they liked the visuals!

As for today and Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, I don't mind which people prefer (if there was a choice in visuals/frame rate) because my argument is that there can be an argument made for both sides. PC gamers are experimentally switching between graphical/frame rate settings all the time, looking for the best balance and enjoyment level.

But going back to my original point (and question): why couldn't the talented Retro Studios, who probably worked on this game even before launch November 2012 (assuming they had Wii U dev kits a long time ago) at least hit 1080p/30fps?

The Wii U has less than 4 games that are 1080p so I would figure this game, more than any other, would've been the best chance to add another one. Even if Mario Kart 8 can't hit 1080p, I can sort of get why considering how much is going on. Even Lego City Undercover - it's a large sandbox world, and 1080p might be a challenge at that time.

Donkey Kong Country: TF - I don't get why. But I guess they just can't. What can we do? Apparently we have a caffeinated warrior posting in here (I know you're reading this) who won't even allow the discussion or possibility of 30fps

Anyone caught playing a 1080p/30fps be careful. You've condemned yourself and are responsible for the current gaming sins of the world. That means if you own a copy of Wind Waker HD, you should be spiritually cleansing yourself right now!

I don't know much about nails and rust, but what you claim is actually your own words, yet again (maybe you should stop trying so hard to rephrase other people's statements). However, you are relatively stupid/a graphics whore or a casual player if you would rather have something pretty than it being smoother. Because the vast majority of games rely heavily on gameplay (SHOCKING, THAT!).

About the Miyamoto thing, that is just such a fucking stupid attempt at an argument that I just wish I could shit on your head through TCP/IP. The conclusion has absolutely nothing to do with a premise.

Regarding the last portion of your post, maybe you can read it this time:

@DGM09 said:

I didn't say that I only drank fine wine. I said that it was preferable to have worse graphics and better frame rate. I don't

just play 60 FPS games, those are your own, demented words.

See it now? Ok.

And by the way, SNES DKC ran primarily @60FPS, mongrel (note the word primarily). That is only an extremely important part of why it was so impressive that you chose to omit. Games nowadays running @30 FPS means that they will generally dip much lower than that (often into sub-24) and reach the point at which even slow people can see the slowdowns.

I am truly done now. Unwatched thread. Bye, morons. I won't be reading so type all the clever ad hominem and false analogies you can think of since I won't correct anything. You can get the last word and that stone trophy you wanted so much, yes!

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#5 DGM09
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I guess they took the watts from the rubber feet and that's why it wobbles.

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#6 DGM09
Member since 2003 • 432 Posts

@AmazonTreeBoa said:

@DGM09 said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:

@DGM09 said:

@speak_low said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:

@DGM09 said:

@speak_low said:

- Shouldn't a platformer and the extra development time make this 1080p, or at least 1080p/30fps?

You're fucking stupid if you prefer 1080p30 over 720p60. You're part of the group of morons that makes us have games with sub-optimal frame rates just for the sake of looking pretty.

Actually, it depends on the game. Some games don't really need 60fps. Something like Need 4 Speed, Tekken, Madden, or Call of Duty would be better of with 720p/60fps, but something like Ni No Kuni or Heavy Rain would be better off with 1080p/30fps. It isn't a simple black and white subject. It has plenty of grey in there.

You're right, but he's getting too emotional because he does not want Nintendo or their games criticized in any way. I think he is a minor

Nice assumption. Guess you're just as stupid as TC. I'm not forced to comment on the entire subject. I saw TC say something stupid, so I commented on that. I don't particularly feel like commenting the rest of the subject, especially considering I don't even have a Wii U and will not be getting this game any time soon (wow, such a sheep I am!).

To think that fighters, FPS and little more are the only ones that benefit from 60 FPS is moronic.

Your reading comprehension sucks. I never said other genre wouldn't benefit from it. I said it wasn't needed. Try grasping the difference in that wording.

Funny that, in that exact post, you state games that would be better off with 30 FPS. That isn't not needing. That's being detrimental (graphics > FPS increase, the trade-off not being worth it).

It's purely semantics, regardless. Stating that some games don't really need 60 FPS is essentially saying one of the following:

- Some games, due to their gameplay style, do not benefit from the added fluidity even if this comes with no graphical cost (generally uncommon scenario). It's not worth the enhancement;

- Or that the graphical loss in benefit of the frame rate detracts from the games because it's best that they have better looks than being smoother (also possibly, but not necessarily due to gameplay style).

In the first case, if you can increase the frame rate without damaging any other aspect of the game, why not go for it? It will only make the game more fluid. There is absolutely no reason not to go for it when possible. If you disagree, are you going to fetch the soap opera effect (not created by motion interpolation) and apply it to gaming? That is a popular approach by idiots. If not, games aren't slideshows, they benefit from having smoother animation. Agreeing with this first scenario, considering there is no loss of anything, is agreeing that the FPS increase detracts from some games.

In the second case, the game ends up being worse graphically and that loss is not worth the extra FPS boost. Detrimental.

I'm done, anyway. You're just as dumb as the TC. Maybe you two should get together so your brain cells become a couple; they could help each other. Although, maybe the thinking speed would be detrimental in this case, seeing as how that would only make you say dumb shit faster. I doubt this joint venture would improve the actual responses.

Like I sad kid, your reading comprehension sucks. You continuing to comment on something you clearly didn't understand doesn't help you any. When you actually understand wtf I said AND meant, then we will continue this conversation. PM when you actually understand wtf I said and what it meant. I am not going to waste my time anymore on this thread. I have already said what I came to say. Not going to sit here and agrue with some pathetic little kid.

Wonderful ad hominem! Just what I expected, thank you for demonstrating your stupidity and not actually addressing anything. That's exactly what I wanted. Also enjoyed the age card being continuously played.

I know you are enthralled by me after this little chat, but please, you must understand that we're from different leagues. I won't PM you, but you can always convey your feelings to me if that makes you feel better. I won't reciprocate, but I'll at least accept them!

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#7 DGM09
Member since 2003 • 432 Posts

@AmazonTreeBoa said:

@DGM09 said:

@speak_low said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:

@DGM09 said:

@speak_low said:

- Shouldn't a platformer and the extra development time make this 1080p, or at least 1080p/30fps?

You're fucking stupid if you prefer 1080p30 over 720p60. You're part of the group of morons that makes us have games with sub-optimal frame rates just for the sake of looking pretty.

Actually, it depends on the game. Some games don't really need 60fps. Something like Need 4 Speed, Tekken, Madden, or Call of Duty would be better of with 720p/60fps, but something like Ni No Kuni or Heavy Rain would be better off with 1080p/30fps. It isn't a simple black and white subject. It has plenty of grey in there.

You're right, but he's getting too emotional because he does not want Nintendo or their games criticized in any way. I think he is a minor

Nice assumption. Guess you're just as stupid as TC. I'm not forced to comment on the entire subject. I saw TC say something stupid, so I commented on that. I don't particularly feel like commenting the rest of the subject, especially considering I don't even have a Wii U and will not be getting this game any time soon (wow, such a sheep I am!).

To think that fighters, FPS and little more are the only ones that benefit from 60 FPS is moronic.

Your reading comprehension sucks. I never said other genre wouldn't benefit from it. I said it wasn't needed. Try grasping the difference in that wording.

Funny that, in that exact post, you state games that would be better off with 30 FPS. That isn't not needing. That's being detrimental (graphics > FPS increase, the trade-off not being worth it).

It's purely semantics, regardless. Stating that some games don't really need 60 FPS is essentially saying one of the following:

- Some games, due to their gameplay style, do not benefit from the added fluidity even if this comes with no graphical cost (generally uncommon scenario). It's not worth the enhancement;

- Or that the graphical loss in benefit of the frame rate detracts from the games because it's best that they have better looks than being smoother (also possibly, but not necessarily due to gameplay style).

In the first case, if you can increase the frame rate without damaging any other aspect of the game, why not go for it? It will only make the game more fluid. There is absolutely no reason not to go for it when possible. If you disagree, are you going to fetch the soap opera effect (not created by motion interpolation) and apply it to gaming? That is a popular approach by idiots. If not, games aren't slideshows, they benefit from having smoother animation. Agreeing with this first scenario, considering there is no loss of anything, is agreeing that the FPS increase detracts from some games.

In the second case, the game ends up being worse graphically and that loss is not worth the extra FPS boost. Detrimental.

I'm done, anyway. You're just as dumb as the TC. Maybe you two should get together so your brain cells become a couple; they could help each other. Although, maybe the thinking speed would be detrimental in this case, seeing as how that would only make you say dumb shit faster. I doubt this joint venture would improve the actual responses.

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#8  Edited By DGM09
Member since 2003 • 432 Posts

@speak_low said:

@AmazonTreeBoa said:

@DGM09 said:

@speak_low said:

- Shouldn't a platformer and the extra development time make this 1080p, or at least 1080p/30fps?

You're fucking stupid if you prefer 1080p30 over 720p60. You're part of the group of morons that makes us have games with sub-optimal frame rates just for the sake of looking pretty.

Actually, it depends on the game. Some games don't really need 60fps. Something like Need 4 Speed, Tekken, Madden, or Call of Duty would be better of with 720p/60fps, but something like Ni No Kuni or Heavy Rain would be better off with 1080p/30fps. It isn't a simple black and white subject. It has plenty of grey in there.

You're right, but he's getting too emotional because he does not want Nintendo or their games criticized in any way. I think he is a minor

Nice assumption. Guess you're just as stupid as TC. I'm not forced to comment on the entire subject. I saw TC say something stupid, so I commented on that. I don't particularly feel like commenting the rest of the subject, especially considering I don't even have a Wii U and will not be getting this game any time soon (wow, such a sheep I am!).

To think that fighters, FPS and little more are the only ones that benefit from 60 FPS is moronic. Non-morons that aren't blinded by pretty post-processing and numbers cringe at this imbecilic suggestion. You think there's plenty of grey in there, but just because the grey isn't inside your head it doesn't mean it's there instead.

And to TC, who apparently thinks he's really bright by tackling an argument by providing history: The were plenty of games that had 60 FPS before (particularly NES and SNES era). Lately not so much and that's because of dumbasses like yourself, that make the industry have to provide good-looking pixels to look at instead of focusing on the game's optimization (the other part of the blame is due to consoles having to show that they can, up to a certain point, compete with average PCs graphically, but it can't be helped). We've gone so far as to have sub-24 FPS games released. This is ridiculous no matter how much you say some people might like the graphics. Sub-24 FPS is something any slowpoke can notice.

Regardless, even if it had not been done a lot before, it wouldn't even matter, as long as I had experienced 60 FPS in a way that allowed me to compare. I didn't say that I only drank fine wine. I said that it was preferable to have worse graphics and better frame rate. I don't just play 60 FPS games, those are your own, demented words. I would've preferred 3DS and N64 to look slightly worse and have better frame rate, yes (have you ever even seen how some of the games run? Why would you not want to?). I would've preferred that N64 games ran always, at least, above 24 FPS. Because, ultimately, I want to play a fluid game, not a slideshow.

And I'm not flipping out, I figured I'd just point out how stupid your initial remark was. But, instead of keeping quiet and not looking like more of an idiot, you went on and made some hilarious comments. I still think the best is when you say that because I have not played many 60 FPS sidescrollers (which is actually untrue, but maybe you were only born after the N64 came out, which would explain a lot. And even then.....) me saying that better frame rate with worse graphics is better automatically is an invalid stance. Incidentally, I'm not quite sure why you limited this to Nintendo consoles, as if I couldn't have witnessed 60 FPS on almost any PC game and, as such, have experienced that frame rate and that allowing me to be able to say I prefer it while having some actual backup. Great job on the non sequitur.

And don't bother replying because I have said all I wanted to and I don't intend to spend more time discussing the fine points of you being a casual imbecile.

You probably will still reply if you see this, but go ahead and keep the last word. At least it'll amuse someone.

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#9  Edited By DGM09
Member since 2003 • 432 Posts

@speak_low said:

- Shouldn't a platformer and the extra development time make this 1080p, or at least 1080p/30fps?

You're fucking stupid if you prefer 1080p30 over 720p60. You're part of the group of morons that makes us have games with sub-optimal frame rates just for the sake of looking pretty.