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#1 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

Picked up Dust: An Elysian Tail.  This game is amazing.

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#2 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

"complete reset of the entire development team and project"

Am I reading this correctly?  They are basically going to do what they did to D3 and completely overhaul years worth of work.

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#3 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

I got to level 10 with the CM and just want to give up.  After playing WoW for years and playing GW2 quite a bit, this game just comes off as lackluster... Lackluster even compared to TOR.

I don't know, but the massive and beautiful world of GW2 has probably ruined future mmos for me.  I loved the sense of exploration and the gorgeous landscapes.  It is free though, so I guess it is worth a shot.  I'll probably try to push on, but my initial impressions aren't that great.

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#4 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

[spoiler] Just finished the game. At this point in time, I do not like the ending at all. All I really wanted was a happy ending. But other than that, I feel like there were some plot wholes that I could not knit closed. In the end, Booker killed himself to avoid Columbia and the whole chabang. However, shouldn't there be an infinite amount of other universes where he didn't kill himself and the loop just kept on going?

Also, why should he care? There are an infinite amount of universes with infinite suffering. /pHe can't do anything about it.

Moreover, Anna/Elizabeth says they can't just go to Paris because there will always be a Comstock to bother them. How does she know that? Comstock doesn't visit every universe, so why would he visit theirs in particular?

I would have been much happier if they found their own little safe universe and just spent their lives happily ever after in Paris. [/spoiler] Mochyc

[spoiler]   Yeah, I kinda agree.  The game is based around the multiverse theory, but tries to marry it with some time traveling concepts.  There isn't really a loop, but literally an infinite iterations so no matter what happened... It would happen.  Everything is, was, and always will be.  This is pretty explicitely stated in the game. [/spoiler]

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#5 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

I just checked and Amazon has indeed stopped the sale of the digital version.  I have to say, that in itself is kind of a big deal. 

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#6 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

Here is an old system wars thread I remember replying in.

I think a lot of people saw this from a mile away and now it is pretty obvious what happened to D3.

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#7 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

Pretty sure this is a HUGE demotion or just a quiet exit from Blizzard.

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#8 CassiusGaius
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The steambox could have a lot of potential IF they keep their games 'steam' exclusive(steambox/PC). I mean they have Half Life, L4D, TF, CS, Portal, and now DOTA.. Plus pushing out new hardware might prompt even more exclusives at a faster rate. If nothing else the steamboxes' online infrastructure will be miles ahead of psn/live and will be the first console to push heavy DD which many armchair anaylst and paid analyst alike believe will be the mark of the future.

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#9 CassiusGaius
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Probably because there's not that many people who even want to play MMOs, and most people who do play MMOs don't keep multiple paid subscriptions going at once. They pick a game they like, and they play it. If they find something they'd rather play, they move to it. WoW has a huge community of dedicated players, many of whom aren't going to pay a second subscription fee to play another MMO, so the only reason they'd switch is if another game was just as good (in their eyes) as WoW, and also if all of their friends were going to switch, too. There's a certain market for subscription MMOs, and WoW pretty much has it in a stranglehold. Even if there were 2 more subscription MMOs on the market, which did everything just as well (in the eyes of the players) as WoW, they wouldn't be able to come up with 10 millions subs each, without taking subs away from WoW, because there's just not that many people in the MMO subscription market.


If a better MMO came out they would move on from WoW. And WoW has held 10+/- million subs for 8 years...that's a lot of people.

I disagree that people move if there was a "better" MMO, atleast right now. One of the things holding people to WoW is the majority of people that play WoW have ancient computers(yes personal anecdotal evidence, but seriously I doubt millions of these people have cutting edge hardware). I know 9 people that play WoW and only one of them has what I would call modern hardware. Blizzard sells to those with lower system requirements and this is obvious by the large playerbase and POOR high end optimization.

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#10 CassiusGaius
Member since 2006 • 865 Posts

It is likely FoV and if the game doesn't have a slider for it, you can try to adjust the FoV in the .ini file. Half Life and HL2 both made me insanely sick and I'd have to play them in 10-15 minute intervals, however with HL2 I eventually started being able to play for longer and longer stretches until the issue seemed to resolve itself. Later in life I learned FoV was the culprit.

Try taking ginger supplements or just raw ginger itself, it helps with both motion sickness and nausea. Unfortunately though, I don't think there is any way at all to adjust the FoV in GW2.