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Warcraft IV please, and make the storyline take place shortly after Frozen Throne so all the crap lore in WoW that's based around nameless adventurers can be erased and real story telling can be put in it's place.

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Sexy chicks in a video game? My god, has the world gone mad!?... seriously though, why is this news? A person from a rival company found something to try and use against them to slander their name and hurt their sales... whoopty-fuckin-do. Stupid outfit for a person not on the beach or in a humid jungle sure... but should it have been enough to get Ellis's panties in a bunch? no, and he wouldn't have if it didn't serve his purpose.

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@S4E @pituf080 As a pirate I can say you're absolutely correct. Many many times I've heard complaints from paying customers about games that I've never experienced because the pirated version of those games have the problems taken out and are cleaner copies... companies over charge for games and then put in problems electively to try and cut down on pirating, yet it never works.

Who knows, maybe if companies stopped coughing up money to develop new anti-piracy programs they could afford to drop $20 or so off the price of games, and then there would be less pirates around in the first place. I know many people only started pirating cause they couldn't afford to pay $60+ for games whenever they came out.

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"but even more are praising the game's always-on features"

Complete BS right there. EA is now telling us what we praise? I haven't heard a single person "praise" the annoying always online feature... wonder if they're trying to tell us everybody likes it so we'll "fall in line" and just accept it... Yeah I got Mass Effect 3 for free and since I was given SimCity as a gift I actually got it for free as well... but the first 3 days I had it, I got to play maybe 2 hours total thanks to EA's always-on features and sucky server issues (which I still deal with at least once every time I play)... who in their right mind would praise them?

Frankly I haven't seen a single reason the game has to be always online... I find myself playing alone in a private region or in a private region setup by a friend more then anything, If EA released an actual official poll asking the people who bought the game if they'd prefer an offline mode, EA would apparently be shocked to learn that the vast majority do not wish to be forced to always be online in order to play the game they just bought.

Clearly this game should have been like it was meant to be. A single player game, with LAN/Online optional. I honestly wonder these days of EA actually believes the stuff they say.

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@lightpeak Never heard of private servers? I ran a private server of WoW for a while, had every single feature the official game had. You can pirate online games, if you couldn't, every game would be online only lol

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@daterxies well your derps make sense. since yes there are pirated copies of Diablo III (there are 19 working torrents of Diablo 3 on Thepiratebay alone), there are pirated versions of just about every game ever popular enough to want a pirated version of. Just go on derping, it suits you.

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Guess I'll be pirating this game. Ironically my gf had just talked me into pre-ordering this game with her just a couple days ago. I love the idea of joining a server and having a city in a region with other people, but I'm not going to be forced to.

Pirates will find a way around your anti-piracy DRM just like they always have and always will, so as a pirate I will say, good job once again hurting those who would actually buy the game more then you're hurting the pirates.

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Edited By CaoSong

Lol they think barring consoles from playing used games would get rid of used games being sold... when in reality it would just push more people into modding their consoles to play pirated games, or push them into PC gaming... they'll end up losing far more money by doing this then just asking people not to play used games.... not to mention, just like with PC games, a keygen will be made for Console games eventually anyway... sure they wont be able to play online, but as PC game developers know, that limit doesn't stop everybody.

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