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@Bread_or_Decide: Bioshock is among the best games of all time. Neckbeards have a way of brushing a broad stroke across games that they have not played or do not like.

Here's a tip folks. If you don't like something try to be objective about it. For instance, I don't like LoL. Can't stand it. Doesn't mean that it is not a terrific game, which it is. Just try to get a grasp on what makes a good game, and even if you aren't into it give it the credit it deserves.

Bread is correct 100%.

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A fluid relationship reminds me of stuff I saw on Pr0n Hub while search for the leaked Fallout 4 video last month.

More Bioshockes-esque fun? Sure

A squirting simulator? Pass

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@aegis_kleais: The characters in The Witcher and great side quests are what make The Witcher stand out to me. Other wise I found the combat pretty mediocre, only having a few signs the entire game to play around with, the same 2 swords to use for 100 hours, and the character upgrades didn't really make me feel as if I had that "carrot before the horse" thing, that certain action-y RPGs (like Dark Souls) do so well. I feel as if The Witcher does political intrigue better than any game ever made, but the world ended up being a sort of generic fantasy setting (very beautiful one at that). I spent over 100 hours and finished the game on the hardest difficulty setting, but don't feel a compelling need to return even with new game plus. Much of the reason is the loot in The Witcher all feels the same, only difference is it's look on Geralt, with much of it not looking the best (MILFgardian necks anyone) I grew up on CRPGs so I'm a fantasy RPGer first and foremost, but I think fantasy games should start to get away from your typical snow, forest, tree environments and branch out a bit. What makes Fallout 4 so compelling is the world of the Commonwealth has so much awesome content, every little building packed goodies and lore.

I love the Witcher 3 and def my 2nd GOTY after Fallout 4, but I think the Dark Souls series sets the bar so high for action RPGs (combat wise)that other ones that I have played in the past couple of years always seem a bit lacking. The characters and side quests in the Witcher have certainly set another bar in that area, that's for sure.

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Hey guys you might want from time to time backup your saves to a USB drive. One of my friend's entire save file got corrupted, and instead of choosing not to overwrite them she did and it also erased all the cloud storage one. Just a head's up.

I've gotten about 3 or 4 total crashes, had some scripting bugs with Preston Garvey at the beginning of the game, and of course funny physics glitches, but noting game breaking. The PS4 version runs good outdoor, not so good indoors. Hope they can patch the bad framerate indoors with heavy particle effects going. Other than that, having the time of my life.

SuperMcMutant PSN

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@paxter82: It was a great game with terrific characters, and the side quests were the highlight. But the combat is just roll dodge rinse repeat with 4 different signs, 2 swords you use the entire game, a generic fantasy aesthetic (is still beautiful overall), open-world but not entirely since Skellige is a seperate map. I love the Witcher but in terms of a fully realize immersive world full of terrific stuff to do, weapons to craft, and entertainment nothing can compare to the Fallout universe. I love Ciri, Dandelion, Yen, and Geralt, but the overal main quest in the witcher 3 ended up being fairly uninteresting and I can't for the life of me remember the Wild Hunt leader's name.

Funny how all the douchecanoes that like to rag on Fallout don't own any of the games, or have played them pretty sparsely. Anyone into the Witcher 3's modding community? I hear crickets. Funny that New Vegas modders are still going strong 5 years after release and the buggy but awesome world keeps talented people's interest for long periods of time.I have no desire to go back and play through the Witcher again...was awesome but once is enough for me. After 200 hours in Oblivion, Skyrim, Fallout 3, New Vegas, 80 or so in between Fallout 1 & 2, there is still stuff to find and things to do that I missed.

Been playing games since 1982 and Fallout is my favorite game series of all time.

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Edited By AzureBonds76

Survivor is good fun. You will be uber squishy at first but with some good armor mods you can handle a bit of damage from enemies that spanked you when you first started. The Assaulttron's laser beam will tear you a new asshole in a matter of a second or so. There was also the Mirelurk queen - I had to skip over here because she was so hard.

Game is terrific minus the bugs and frame rate drops on the PS4. For those playing on that platform this will be handled (to an extent) by a patch, as the frame rate didn't drop to 15 fps before the day 1 patch. A friend said post patch he started noticing the drops in indoor area and when heavy particle effects are happening. Xbox 1 doesn't suffer this nearly as bad so it is due to poor optimization and the patch. Oh and the engine too ;p

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@elheber: Instead of just coming here and discussing things normally, you tried to be coy. It didn't work. You wanted attention right? Your fedora is too tight man, losen it up a bit. Honestly you do look like a neckbeard. Act like one too.

V.A.T.S tells me 99% chance of neckbeard. waaa I don't like Fallout 4 graphics. Here's a cookie.

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Edited By AzureBonds76

@elheber: Once I saw your picture it became sort of obvious why you spend your time trolling people. Which is the case with most of the bozos here that do the same.

Gamespot used to be a decent place to get together and discuss games. Now people like yourself do nothing other than try to be "funny". Let me give you some advice... find something more productive to do with your time. You aren't funny and are just seeking attention. Now you have some attention eh. Probably not the kind you were looking for Mr.

There are many people who have been playing Fallout for a long time that would rather not sift through all the rubbish to connect with others who love the game. If you don't like Fallout, that's cool. But don't turn your dislike of something into a way of getting attention. It's the bottom of the barrel behavior -- sort of a last resort to get people to talk to you.

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@elheber: hey man you should not use the same screen name as your other social media accounts. a quick search showed me why you spend your time here trying to be funny. nice glasses homey..haha 0-0

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Edited By AzureBonds76

Tamoor is unaware that both Fallout 3 and New Vegas were fully voiced.

Dude, do you honestly do any investigative work in your news pieces? I am an adult and not being a jerk, but honestly I have found more errors in your news pieces than most other journalists online. It's pretty bad.

Journalism 101 -- before you do a story, do a little research. This is community college first day stuff.