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#1 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts

i was having chest pains(heart) so i went to the hosipital. i was in there about 7 hours they took some blood and did an xray on my chest and couldn't diagnose me with anything. the pain went away the next day. anyways i then get sent a bill for $3,999. :? they didn't even really do anything to me or help me with my problem. it was basically a waste of my time going there and now i have this huge bill i must pay. :cry:-Renegade

insurance is your friend, and seriously, if it went away after a day, how bad could it have really been?

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#2 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts

man...i thought this was about Blink-182.:(Apocalypse33

they might be doing one more album for their kids

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#3 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts

Wow... That must've been hell...Funkdaddy13

its pretty cool

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#4 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts

Okay guys...whatever age you are, i'm sure you've all been heartbroken before, and my bro here is TRiiIIIIIpin over this girl...and i understand. It's the first girl he's ever really, really liked, first girl maybe he fell in love with, and anyone who's gone through this kind of things knows: the first one is always hard to get over...always. And im telling him that, but alas...woe is he. Im telling him they'll be someone else who will make him forget about that girl completely...but he wont beleive me. lol soooo....c'mon guys, i made this thread so he could see that everyones gone through stuff like that. I think it'd help him out a lot and i luv him :P

-thankya GS forum dudes and ladies...


tell him to kill her, works every time!

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#5 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts

Germans were at a 2 front war, They were ****ed. Even though they had superior tactics and armor, they were surrounded.Luminouslight

good thing your just trying to make yourself sound smart by quoting from your history book that you're reading during the summer

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#6 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts

Oh boy, id love to hear some of your guys'z experiences with screamers; the videos that suck you in, get you to focus on something and once your gaurd is down they get you with some loud screaming and some terrible exorcist picture or something. I remember this one a couple years ago i had, i was learning about subliminal messages in the songs on the internet and it led me to this reading of the bible by some little girl with a freaky voice. I thought i was supposed to listen carefully to her voice to see if i can catch something odd but that wasnt the true purpose of this screamer, and it was unbenounced to me at the time. So what happens is while im reading and listeing to this creppy girl citing the bible, bam, one of the most horrid collection of freaky exorcist, bloddy, graphic stuff i have ever seen, along with some horrific audio. Photos of the exorcist girl and the demon and some other scary looking hombres, with white eyes that have the small pupil, red eyed demons, etc., that just pierced my brain with horror. And Im the kinda guy whose paranoid at night, i hear sounds i dont like i get edgy, i belive in ghosts and they scare the crap outa me because of my paranoia, i cant watch scary movies without closing my eyes. But all in all, im truly a tough guy, i dont show my emotions, i get in fights, i box, play football, workout at the gym and act hard around the friends. I only cry when i yawn a lot or am cutting onions and thats all, havent cried for an emotional reason for the past 7+ years prior to this incident. So what happens then is i just completely have a mental breakdown. It was like trying to fill a balloon with water, there was no room and it filled up too quickly and my brain couldnt take in all it was seeing and hearing. I freaked out to the fullest, launched out of my chair, fell on the ground, cralled a couple of feet, got back up and ran in my moms room, layed on the bed face down crying, infront of my dad who walked in soon after to see what was happening. While my dad having the impression that im a strong, tough kid ya know. And the thing is im not 10 or 14 im like 16 years old lol. God it was so horrible i cried for like 5-10 minutes, i couldnt stop, i couldnt talk i was completely traumatized. I also think this traumatic occurence is related with this sittifing of the neck i started to notice not long after the fact when i get tense due to stress or what have you at the particular time. So that was mine, i think its up there on one of the worst screamers ever, even worse the the little 10 year old on the monitor who slapped it haha, i feel like a donkeys arse on this one. Anyone else have some crazy screamer stories, id like to hear them.

Its long i know but i need to type all that to get the full effect of the event to sink in as it did.


is anyone else reading this? my god, its not terrible, you scream at one point, then you think, "oh, haha, they got me"

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#7 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts

this could be said for anything, FIFA makes soccer seem great, Madden makes football seem great, GTA makes gang violence seem fun, Lego Star Wars makes playing with legos seem fun, which it is

ahhhhhh conspiracy!

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#8 Armpitfarter
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lets just hope he doesn't
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#9 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts
3 day rotation of body parts, followed by 1000 to 2000 yards swimming, then some running
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#10 Armpitfarter
Member since 2003 • 2130 Posts



I personally oppose the death penalty...which isn't a view common in Texas...


you murder, you should die