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#1 Ahammer80
Member since 2007 • 325 Posts
Ok 1st question I have is, is there anyway i can back up my game saves on a USB device so i dont lose all my game save data? I heard somewhere that you can but im not sure. And the next question is about the firmware updates, Will I have to download each update seperatley or will it just be the latest firmware update 1.6? And lastly, How well does the WIFI work for the 60 gig, I know with My 20 gig ps3 as soon as I turn on the console it signs me in immediatley, is the same for WIFI or does it take a little longer to sign in and also is the wifi reliable?
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#2 Ahammer80
Member since 2007 • 325 Posts
Yeah, that's what the PS3 needs. Even less support. :roll:goblaa
I mean dont get me wrong, if they actually spent time making the ports good that would be great but I hate how they dont spend anytime on the ports and they give the PS3 the worst versions of the games. I think these games should go through a screening process which allows sony say if a port is acceptable or unacepptable and it atleast has to be as good as the original one. Because i dont know which is worse.. Being known as the console that gets the junk ports or being known as the console with less dev support
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#3 Ahammer80
Member since 2007 • 325 Posts
I mean seriously. Each time games like splinter cell come out and they flop hard on the PS3 or when Call of duty comes out and it flops hard on the PS3. I really wish these DEVS would stop porting these games to the PS3 because when the PS3 gets the bad ports it really makes the PS3 look bad. Especially here in system wars, Thats why im really dreading when Rainbow Six and Ghost recon are going to be released for the PS3 because I know they will be bad and all the 360 fans will be in here claming ownage. So please, speaking as a Die hard PS3 fan, STOP Making junk ports!! Its really making PS3 look bad. And you cant blame the PS3 for having bad ports its the developers fault for not spending anytime on them!!