Solid enough platforming will bring back fans, but boring combat and some frustrations won't win any new fans.

User Rating: 7 | Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands X360
I beat this game in 11 hours..and I have to say the ending is pretty darn exhilarating. I wish they would have incorporated more sequences like the ending provided. Because most of this game is wash, rinse and repeat. While the game introduces you new types of combat abilities and enemies and ways to move around throughout the game, none of it truly makes this game great. I think a lot of it has to do with the core gameplay. The core gameplay makes this game to come out as almost an 11 hour obstacle course. It's offputting for people wanting lots of action because there aren't many instances in the game where you combine the platforming with swordplay. It's either one or the other and it really messes with the flow of the game.

My favorite things about this game would have to be the presentation and the platforming itself. The presentation is top notch to be quite honest. It depicts Persia infrastructure with fine detail and depth. The Prince himself looks great as well as the enemies do. There isn't any particular kind of art style here other than the game trying look as real as possible. The music and sound effects are nice compliments to the visuals.

If I had one gripe about the presentation, it would have to be the fact that this game is the polar opposite of the Two Thrones and Warrior Within. There is absolutely no blood in this game as you mainly fight skeletons and other mythical beasts. It's obvious this game was intended for a wider audience as there is no swearing or blood. It's a very light looking game with a bit of a charm. I will say this now: Do not expect a gory looking game at all.

The platforming is also excellent. The Final Climb at the end is a major pain in the butt, but that aside, the platforming is excellent throughout. This is a major relief because the game revolved completely around this aspect, and in my mind, there is too much of it. Throughout the game, it continues to introduce you new ways of moving through levels, from the beginning with wall climbing/running to freezing water/time and then the ability to shoot to birds/enemies to move across larger spaces. This seems like the developer's way of keeping the game fresh throughout..but to me, none of it is all that spectacular, at least until the final levels of the game where it combines all of these together to make you actually think about what you have to do to get across.

There are plenty of puzzles for you in this game as well and none of them are too mind boggling thankfully. You still have to think but I would believe it wouldn't be hard for anyone here!

Where the game really fails is combat. Since there is no gore of any sort, of course the developer's would resort to using pitiful skeleton/mythical enemies throughout. The difficulty of the enemies in this game is solely reliant on a horde-like capacity. You will face big numbers of enemies at a time and while it seems like this would be a perfect chance to have some gore, well, that doesn't happen. Instead you get powers such as ice blasts, stone armor for a period of time, fire trails..etc. None of them are that fun to use and they get old quickly. You will mostly be using your sword to kill them, but it's not very fun as the combat is very work and not complex at all. This game could have been much more fun but there was no inspiration at all in the mechanics. We've been there, done that.

There is absolutely nothing original about this game. The story is completely conventional (Brother of the prince gets carried away with power and unleashes a locked away Army in the Sands, you have to try to stop him before the army its leader, Ratasha, take over the world) and you likely won't really care what happens. It's obvious this game was made for the fans, and that's about it. Unfortunately great presentation and platforming doesn't save this game from being completely unoriginal with weak combat, story, and a heavy dose of deja vu.