If you're up for a great pirate rpg you're gonna love this game,if not it's just another ordinary game for you.....

User Rating: 9 | Pirates of the Caribbean PC
I first saw this game when my friend was playing it.It looked like a game that was worth playing for me so i decided to buy it,when i finally got it,i installed it on my computer and started playing it with hoping that it really would be a great game,and i saw that this game was not one of those games which make you excited in the first place then disappoint you.

At that year graphics looked great to me because i wasnt playing so much games with GREAT graphics.The good thing about RPG's is that you can do anything you want in anywhere you want,i dont think that it would've been a GREAT game if it didnt envolve RPG features.I dont remember any serious bugs in the game that you would curse to.I didnt notice much to the audio system because the whole thing about RPG's are to have fun by doing everything,so actually,they dont have to be GREAT on graphics or on audio to me.When i think about pirate games,all i can think of is sea battles,and when i thought of that for this game i supposed i MAY NOT like it that much,but this agme takes it to another level by putting the players into land too.You can fight in sea or in land,you can trade do missions for governors of islands and even you can conquer an island for yourself.I think that the game should have focused on the things you could have done after conquering an island because,when you DO conquer an island it doesn't exactly become your's.You have a reputation in this game so you can become the most feared man in the carribeans or you can become a man everybody likes.

I dont remember it EXACTLY now but there was a bug about the dice game you can play in the tavern and you could do some things and win money by doing absolutely NOTHING!!The games great as i said bfore but still if it were improved a little more about the things you can do in the game world i think it could have been the best game ever made!

So i think Pirates Of The Carribean is one of those rare games that you'd like to keep installed on your computer just in case you want to play it again and again......