A great buy, with thousents of wepon combinations and thrilling story patapon 2 is one of the best games ever made.

User Rating: 10 | Patapon 2: Don-Chaka PSP
Having never played the first one i heard about it and got it... I was not disappointed.weather you like fighting dragons or hunting birds patapon 2 suplies it. you start of with a few yaripons (spear throwing eyeballs) and eventually have dragons,devels and even angel patapons in the fors of robots, magians,swordmen and many more. the game play in patapon 2 seams a bit bad even to myself but the buttons become drums eg...square=pata circle=pon triangle=chaka and x = don then you type out songs and the patapons follow eg pata pata pata pon = march, pon pon pata pon = attack and so forth the new editions to this game such as the almighty hero after a few songs the patapons go into fever making more damage and the hero does his special move such as an energy sheild around the patapons or exploding spears you get the picture and if that wasn`t enough the some insperation music comes. Also patapon 2 features multplayer mode with up to 4 people and it even suports game sharing.