Patapon 2 is in numerous ways an amazing game.

User Rating: 10 | Patapon 2: Don-Chaka PSP
Patapon 2 is in numerous ways an amazing game. It touches up in some areas where the first game let me down to a degree. The rythm and beat of "Pata Pata Pata Pon", to move your mini little eye-ball like creatures known as patapon is a very addicting beat to hear. The new death system is very much so less annoying and less painstaking as well. In the previous game if the plant monster known as a shookle ate your patapon it was gone…permanently, now it has fixed what I found to be an error and made it now no matter what happens to your army you never lose a troop member, they may die but they aren't gone permanently. In addition, it has very good imagery and music. The songs in this game make me want to just sit and sing along. The intense combat and intriguing storyline makes patapon 2 an absolutely wonderful game to play that I think people will want to come back to play over and over again.