I really wanted to like it, but for me it just doesn't work.

User Rating: 5.5 | Patapon 2: Don-Chaka PSP
Just a heads up, I'm not a big fan of strategy games and this is a rhythm based strategy game, so it didn't really work out. I was first introduced to Patapon via the 2008 game of the year awards when it was nominated for best PSP game, at the time I was interested in getting a PSP and it looked good to me, but then I heard that patapon 2 was coming out, so I went for that instead. I have to admit this is a very well done game, and it is very original. The reason I didn't like it very much was due to the fact that is was insanely hard for me, and not having much experience with strategy games it made it even harder. I have given this game tons of chances and I still haven't given up on it, I just need a better tutorial so I know how to use the moves more effectively. I'm not completely anti-patapon, I actually think its a very cute, original, well-done game. I just need to know how to play it better so I can actually make progress.

- Very well done
- Great visuals
- Most original game I have ever come a crossed
- Cute graphics that make the game family appealing
- Cute story

- Extremely Hard
- Bad learning curve
- No tutorial from what I can find
- A game that looks to be appealing to kids but with the difficulty for people with years of strategy gaming experience under their belt

I might be being a little harsh on the score, but really this is a hard game and there is no way to change that. If I can't make progress in the game, how am I supposed to like it? I'm not a 7 year old who can play the first level of new super mario bros hundreds of times over with it being a new experience every time. This game was not for me.