Bad (out of hell)

User Rating: 1 | Painkiller: Resurrection PC
Let's be clear about this. This game is no more then a MOD. A bad one. Jowood made a mess launching a wrong demo. This was a bad omen that has become reality. The levels don't feel right. Like they are copied and pasted at random out of different PK games.
I also believe the graphics update they announced isn't there. Strange glitches and weird shadows at the horizon. Moving is also very annoying. I got stuck several times in the little dark corners and had to load the last save to get out. I liked the first PK 2004 very much. Well balanced level design and the music was very nice thanks to Media Studio. The complete package was fantastic. We are talking about a 2004 game!!
This one is not worthy to be called Painkiller. Do not spend your money on this game. Should have been a free MOD.