Get together with some friends and you'll laugh so hard you'll cry!

User Rating: 8.5 | PAIN PS3
Yes, it is at first glance a stupid game, but once you see the kinds of stunts you can pull off it really is fun. I have never laughed so hard during a video game as I have wtih Pain. The comments by the people getting launched are funny as are the descriptions of the kinds of injuries you sustain. And there is just something plain fun about launching David Hasselhoff into a factory smokestack and watching him fly out of it. I highly recommend the purchase of the additional levels (which i think they should have included). I think it would be funnier if you could custom map the faces of people you know onto the characters. Some of the additional levels are quite challenging and you have to be very good at the basics which include aiming, drifting, ooching (where you can move your character a little bit after hitting something) and super ooching. You can also grab things and hang on to them to pull them down with your weight, or you can grab boxes of explosives and hurl them. There is just something visceral about launcing yourself and then seeing your character hit his crotch on an I-beam...The game really is a blast!