The most hilarious game ever!

User Rating: 8 | PAIN PS3
Pain is a relatively simple game. You got a huge slingshot, I guy who can break everything and still break it again, and a destructable city. What do you do? FIRE!!!!!!!!!!!! Pain may be a simple game, but it's a hilarious one.

- Hilarious gameplay
- Comments on what you broke are funny ( ex. Elvis Pelvis)
- Unlockable stuff is nice

- Simple and shallow
- Updates you have to pay for

All in all, PAIN is one of those games where you play it for the laughs, or your reeaally bored. Like, really, really, bored. It's not a party game. Not for kids. Umm, yeah. ( Ugh, AGAIN! Don't read the rest, I AGAIN have to fill in the 100 word thingy) BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA BLA! UGH! THIRTY MORE FREAKING CHARACTERS! wth?????? bla bla