This is a short review of the PSN download game - PAIN. I briefly review the games: Game play, graphics and more...

User Rating: 7.5 | PAIN PS3
PAIN, is a new downloadable game from the PSN store. It isn't hugely expensive, I found the price 'Just Right!', and what you get is a quick pick up and play game.

When I first loaded the game and accessed the menu, I skimmed through the options etc, and was surprised to see, more than 1-2 modes. What you get is four, one involves scoring high points by flinging your character into a hugely destructible world. Another lets you fling your character into tons of explosive boxes that lie all around you, gaining big points! The other two modes have slightly less overall game play, and after awhile you wont be coming back for more. Why? basically because you don't need to, played the mode a couple of times, well I'm afraid thats it. So unless you REALLY want to collect all the trophies offered for completing objectives and scoring points, the mime toss mode will last you an hour tops. The nicely named 'Spank the Monkey' mode, involves catapulting your player into monkey's one at a time. After completing the mode on a few difficulties again you will find yourself leaving that mode out from your next play. So some modes are short but for the price its not bad, to fill a space while waiting for another big game to be released. One downfall I find with the game, is the bowling mode, which can only be used if you have two controllers to play with a friend. I wouldn't mind usually, but some trophies can't be won without playing it!

The graphics and character physics are quite decent for a PSN game (Not including the awesome, more pricey games - Warhawk and Tekken), and don't let you down. The next thing, your shouting 'ooh' as your character goes head first into a lamp post or smashes his 'privates' on the edge of a sign. The sounds also add to the game, BUT if you play this game often for long periods and with the same character you will start to get annoyed as 'Jarvis' shouts 'Yeah baby' for the 200th time that evening! Continue playing and you'll find yourself writing a cheque for the person across the road because out of rage you threw your controller and it smashed the persons car window.

So overall the game is a good buy if you looking a game to fill in some time, or for some quick pick up and play time, when your clans not online. But if your looking for a new game to spend hours on, taking up all your gaming time, then look the other way. Its an easy game, but I give it a 7 because of the fun it has given me. And when your feeling down, you can't help but chuckle as 'Jarvis' smashed into a man dressed as a cow, skids across the road taking a mime off his feet. Then falls down some steps into a explosive box, knocking a scaffolding tower into the road, while the fat builder on top, spins into the air and crashes into some tables at a restaurant, and so on! Got some spare cash, put it towards this it wont let you down, even if you just want a quick 20 minute game and you've played all the PSN demos! BUY IT!