One of the most underappreciated XBox games out there, Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors is an immensely satisfying title.

User Rating: 9.6 | Otogi: Hyakki Toubatsu Emaki XBOX
Whilst it may not be a Halo or Metal Gear Solid, nor have been produced on even half the amount of funding those two companies had at their disposal, it still deals out a unique view for Action/RPG, and retains a beautiful element that could make it even rival Ninja Gaiden in my opinion.

Outstanding visuals, easy-to-learn control system, reasonably difficult competition and a fantastic Asian setting make this game one of the best Japanese Sega titles to ever be released. I shall not expand on anything in particular, other than the controls and visual appeal depends on your own personal tastes and style. Perhaps it's just my experience as a gamer, but Otogi 2 felt relatively easy to play overall, but that didn't detract from how challenging a fair share of the bosses and foes were.

Unfortunately this game never really drew much of a crowd outside of Asian borders, and so it does not receive the recognition it very much deserves. I am happy however, to own this game, and it has been a very memorable experience indeed. It earns a perfect 10 in my book, but in comparison with other games, nothing ever earns a perfect 10 in technical fields.