Oddworld Stranger's Wrath is a game that blends two styles together very nicely and doesn't take itself too seriously.

User Rating: 7 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
Let's get right to it.

This game is a blend of third-person action and first-person shooting. These two combinations could have potentially sent the game into a terrible downward spiral, but I found the blend between them to be very fun, and a twist on normal games.

The story starts out as you being Stranger, a lone bounty hunter to needs to get a life-or-death operation from the only doctor in town. The problem is that he is going to charge you $20,000. You go from town to town hitting up the bounty stores to find new enemies you can catch (dead or alive) and hopefully get the money for your operation.

Halfway through the game though, the plot takes a dramatic twist and you are sent in a whole new direction that in my humble opinion, was very creative, and the furthest thing from what I guessed.

Now onto scores

Gameplay: 9/10- The live ammunition in the guns could become a little tedious when looking for just the right ammo, but rather than that, I had no complaints about how this game played.

Graphics: 10/10 - Though these graphics aren't the most high-quality, Doom-3/Half-Life 2 graphics, they play very well into the game, and how the universe is kind of a strange place. I always found myself enjoying looking around between bounties or other action.

Sound- 6/10 Definatly the weakest part of this game. The voice acting is pretty bad, and the sound effects that the game makes can be a little annoying after the first few hours of hearing them. Also, every creature of a single race shares the same voice weither male or female. This is the thing that bothered me the most.

Value- 8/10 The game was fairly short, I clocked in at around 7 hours I believe. But I had a good time going through multiple play throughs. This game is fairly easy, and one would have no trouble racing through it in a day.

Tilt- 9/10 I think that this game is just one that everyone can enjoy because it doesn't give that serious faccad that other games need to put up to hide their strange ideas or unbelievable characters. This game just says "Hey! Everything's weird! And goes with it in that sense.

This is definatly a game for anyone who doesn't mind a little bit of whimzickle FPS and a great story all along the way.