It is a real Oddworld out there.

User Rating: 9.3 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
The Oddworld series have got so much better from the previous over the years and this is no acception. Oddworld Strangers Wrath is an Adventure game because it isn't only in first person but you can which from 1st to 3rd and back again. This is a odd game but it has alot of good things in it.
The gameplay in the game is wonderful and I haven't seen anything like it. First there is the basic controls like Fire and Secondary Fire plus punch and jumping is good because it helps the game be more fun for the player. There is alot to do with the shooting part of the game. You can choose and mix from different kinds of ammo like fuzzles and thudslugs. There is alot of different little perk in the game. Like all of the characters in the game have there own personality. Even the ammo have its own personality. All of the enemies have something to say if you hide long enough in the game. Also the NPCs talk to you they aren't the nicest people but they do talk to you. Alot of the game is based on the shooting in the game like fighting enemies and using zap flies to take down barriers and much more but I am happy that they didn't just throw the 3rd person in for the heck of it. It can be used to move faster from enemies or to use melee attacks. Another great part in the game is the stores in the game which you can buy upgrades for the Stranger. Some of my problems with the gameplay is that even though it is really fun the story mode only last a couple of hours if you know what you are doing. I would have also liked to see alittle multiplayer like Death Match or CTF or something like that but none of the Oddworld games that I have played have been multiplayer.
The graphics are really great in the game. The Stranger moves and looks great. The enviroment is one of the best made enviroments because of the look that I have seen in a while. The cutsceens are the coolest part about the graphics though because of the look which is wonderful. The cutsceens look reminds me of the ones in Munch's Oddysee but they do lack alittle in the amount of the great cutsceens because alot of the sceens are done in the game with the characters. The graphics could have had alittle more workl but overall they look great and I love the look of the ammo and enviroments. Plus the enemies and boss levels also look wonderful.
The sound is pretty much the best part in the game because of all of the sound. You can hear enemies talking and one of the ammo types even smart mouth you,and he has some funny thing to say about the Stranger and his momma. The NPCs in the game make alot of noise by talking to you and about you and they have some useful stuff if you look through all of the things they say. One of the weird parts is that with all of the sound,Stranger even talks to his self which is alittle creepy.
Overall Starngers Wrath is one of the best Adventure or Platformer games depending on what you want to call it on the market. The story is great,and has one of the weirdest plot twisted I have ever played. But because of the length of the game you may what to rent it and if you can't beat it while rent buy but once you beat through it once you may not feel like fighting through it again.