Something missing from many games nowadays, this game has captured the fun that i thought was long lost.

User Rating: 9.6 | Oddworld Stranger's Wrath XBOX
welcome to oddworld people! The oddworld series has been about since the Playstation 1 and it debuted in 1997 with Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee (one of the few ps games my sister Trish ever played, and i thank her for introducing it to me). Oddworld introduced a dweeb of a main carachter (abe) and a frankly brilliant all round sense of humor (dark at times) This was followed in 1998 with Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. The game hadnt changed much, but was still more of the gretness of odysee - with a few tweaks. The game was actually advertised at more of an add on disk with the game, and was hence released at a budget price. Cracking game none the less. Alas the time of the next gen systems were at hand. What would become of the oddworld franchise...? I recall visions of abe and co moving onto bigger and brighter things (and even a few rts games) but alas no. The less than stellar xbox exclusive Munches oddysee had lmost ensured this series doomed to oblivion... but no Stranger is here! Oddworld: Strangers Wrath is an xbox exclusive. Back when i only had a ps2 i would be cursing this, but now with my xbox i can really see that the ps2 wouldnt be able to handle this game (this and resi4...) Its not just the stunning graphical quality, but the expansive environments. You can spend ages running (at rather high speeds) ahead into the horizon without somuch as a flicker or a load screen. THE REVIEW You start in the land know only as ODDWORLD (its odd you see?). The only similarity to the previous games is the fact that your in Oddworld small adorable vicious cratures know as fuzzles (species of oddworld) a baddie that resembles a glukkon (species of oddworld) and a vykker (species of oddworld) The games setting is that of a Western, people wander upto you and say howdy stranger! And the fact that your name is actually stranger makes things all the more amusing. Your mission? You are a bounty hunter, earning money to pay for your operation. Mysterious... You play through the game in a 1st AND 3rd person view point. And it works brilliantly. In 1st person view, you can shoot your crossbow In 3rd person view you can use melee attacks and can run surprisingly fast. (veryusefull when running around the huge landscapes) Your weapons? Well aside from your fists, you only have one weapon... A double barrel crossbow... but do not fret, this crossbow comes with abou 10 different kinds of ammo bolamites - spider that entagle enemie in web making them easy to bounty (capture) stinger bees - rapid fire bees thud slugs - hard hitting projectiles skunkz - stink the place out to confuse/stun enemies chippunks - enemy attracting diversions and many more... The ammo is sometimes found in crates for you to stock up on, but mainly you gottago out and capture your "live ammo" Characters Stranger - The stong silent time who doesnt have the best grammar. Clackers - The most common inhabiyants you meet. Chicken like people who you collect bounties for. Theyre quite annoying to talk to. Grubbs - primitive natives who come to view you ar their protector. These guys are hilarious and brilliant. many enemies aswell... The Game Great fun. That is all i can say. You go through fighting the enemies iff you kill em you will get less of a bounty when you go to collect on them. but capture the baddies alive and you get a heft reward (more moolah to be put towards your "operation". Overall This is a fun enjoyable funny game. WHAT MORE DO YOU PEOPLE WANT??? You should be able to run through the game, hopping skippin and jumping and have a great time. Something missing from many games nowadays. This game has captured the fun that i thought was long lost from games. Thanks peeps.