Same as last year isn't necessarily a bad thing.

User Rating: 9 | NHL 10 PS3
NHL 2010 is basically the same as 09, with some new features. While this isn't a bad thing its not exactly the best thing either. The game offers a few new features. One is the first person fighting, while fighting is again easy this is a lot funner. One more new feature is board play where you hook someone to the board and try to acquire the puck which is alot more like hockey in real life. A game feature is Battle for the Cup trying to win the Stanley Cup without playing the 82 game season making it alot easier and making a lot shorter. This game doesn't give much change from NHL 09 which isn't necessarily a bad thing. The game is basically the same but NHL 09 is the same as 10 which makes it basically the same 9.0 scored NHL 09 got. This game is still cool and no way should it have got a 8.5. This game was pretty cool and to me it gets a 9 out of 10.