I just couldn't get into it.

User Rating: 4.4 | Neverwinter Nights 2 (CD-ROM) PC
I really wanted this game for a while, and for a long time after I had bought it I was waiting for NWN2 to be my release from WoW. But that never happened.

To start off, I played DnD when I was a kid. I was a big fan. As I got older, not so much, but then NWN came along. I was a big fan of that too. Until I figured out the map editor. Then the appeal of the game dropped off for me. Why so? I cheated. Made an awesome piece of armor, made an awesome weapon, accessories, and barged through the game unchallenged. I called it quits after that.

Anyway, NWN2 was supposed to be the game that got me off WoW. I was hoping it would. In fact, I even went so far as to leave early one night off WoW and installed NWN2 to try it out. I lost interest quickly.

It took me about an hour to get my character right. I read the book, played with the options, played with the point system, little talent play, all that kind of stuff. When I had gotten it right, and right away after starting, I wasn't interested in the plot. It was almost a carbon copy of NWN. You're participating in this event (training) which you master quickly and then monsters attack. Instead, though, of starting in the city and recovering lost creatures to start, you are on a solo mission to leave your hometown. You elf-step-dad sends you away to basically come face-to-face with your destiny. First off, during that hour I spent making my character, I wrote a little history about him. It had nothing to do with the story, and that pissed me off. But I kept playing. I leave the town and go on my adventure and I find a dwarf brawling in a bar. He wants to join me. I hate dwarfs IRL. So of course I say no. I keep going, get my first spells as a hybrid warrior/mage, and then realize that I don't like the NWN/DND system in my gameplay anymore. I cast FIREBALL! then I can't cast it again until I rest a day though the NPCs had no trouble nuking me. That was the end of the game for me.

This review is unfair, even in my own eyes. I don't expect many to agree with it, and I think under different conditions/timing/I wasn't addicted to WoW at the time, this game might have done really well with me. If so, I will leave it for a while, and come back in a year with a better review.

UPDATE 2008: No... no still didn't like it.