An amazing hollywood style racing game !

User Rating: 9.5 | Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2005) PC
EA for once again, done it right ! The game is better than what I expected.You will fall in love with the story as you progress through the game.The cutscenes are nothing like Underground 2 but in true cinematic style which are definitely a plus. The career mode is somehow the best made ever in NFS series.The cops AI in this game are pretty intelligence and quite hard to evade when you got about condition 5.Like previous NFS series, you are able to customize your car the way you like.The free roam part first introduced in Underground 2 also return in this game.The single player is quite long and took me about 20 hours to complete.The user interface is truly PC friendly and does not feel like playing a console game.

The game however has it flaws, the cops at the earlier conditions are way too easy to evade.
Drift, a game mode does not make a return in this game.
The graphics might not look as good as today's graphic but with some simple tweaks, it looks beautiful and are comparable with any new NFS game.