Despite the amusingly brutal premise, this game comes up short.

User Rating: 7 | Naughty Bear PS3
Manhunt with teddy bears. While playing Naughty Bear, this analogy popped into my head every five minutes, and for good reason. The stalk and kill gameplay is the center of the title, and going through a lot of effort earns you a brutal finisher that challenges the game's Teen rating. Yet, all of this is just style. The mechanics of the game are rather rough, but its still an enjoyable romp.

CONCEPT 10/10: Three words: teddy bear slaughter.

GRAPHICS 8/10: The bears themselves are well rendered, and from an artistic angle, the environments fare well. Technically, they're decent at best.

SOUND 9/10: The whimsical and cutesy soundtrack is oddly disturbing given the proceedings, and the British announcer is just as disturbing in how casually he talks about the brutal things occuring onscreen.

GAMEPLAY 6/10: Shallow, frustrating and rough, the sneaking is too easy and the combat takes too long. However, the payoff almost justifies the annoying proceedings.