Personal Thoughts on Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3

User Rating: 9 | Naruto Shippuden: Narutimate Storm 3 PS3
Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 has just been released and some of you may be wondering what an average gamer like me thinks, now being a Naruto fan, I love this game but I wouldn't recommend this game to someone new to the series due to the story because the adventure mode in the game starts off in the middle of Shippuden which could be fairly confusing for a person new to Naruto.
The game has 3 modes, Adventure Mode, Online Battleand Battle mode. The Adventure Mode is a big improvement to the story mode in Generations, you get to do tasks and talk to people, think Pokemon but Naruto. The story is presented very well with lots of cutscenes but sometimes I did think there were too much and they could get a little tedious at times. The roster features about 80 playable characters which is quite alot! Despite the story doesn't cover part 1, it does have some part 1 characters including part 1 Naruto and Kimimaru. The game isn't too hard and I personally think it is perfect for beginners at fighting games.
Overall, the game is a must have for all Naruto fans however I wouldn't buy it if you aren't familiar with the series.