Try it for yourself. This is a low budget gem! IT WILL TAKE OVER YOUR LIFE!!!!

User Rating: 9 | Mount & Blade PC
Ever wanted an rpg where you could command a company of troops, rule a castle, lead a revolution, or just plain FIGHT ON HORSEBACK! Mount and Blade is the most innovative and addictive game I've played since the original Pirates on the C64. You start with a character in a fictional medieval world after the split of an empire into several factions. No magic or religion to mess things up. The character generation is self-explanatory and you get started pretty quick. You build up your skills through experience and gain renown through battle and quest completion. Once you have enough renown you can join a faction as a lord and can be awarded conquered villages and castles.
The meat of this game is the combat system which allows you to fight among up to 100 combatants (both sides). The combat from horseback is handled very well and there are many different troop types and weapons to keep things interesting. Terrain including sieges play a big part of your battle planning and you tactics skill can make a big difference.
I have only scratched the surface in this review. You can download the game for free and play up to level 7 before registering for about $30.00. This isn't a flashy game, but is all about the gameplay.