Fun and highly addictive

User Rating: 9 | Mount & Blade PC
I've been playing the game for a couple of weeks, which is possibly not enough time to give an in depth review, but I wanted to add my support to the growing number of people who are getting seriously hooked by this game. I wouldn't call myself an expert or hard core player but I do have a fond interest in strategy, role-play and the medieval period. M&B gives you plenty of choices about how you want to play your game, it's not about following someone else's story about characters which do not really mean anything to you. Your relationship with characters develops as you have experiences with them throughout the game.

The combat is just real good fun and has plenty of technique to master so you can hone your skills. I really enjoy building up my band of men with henchmen and regular troops and it can be a great feeling at the end of a really tough battle or siege to look around and hear your troops cheering and punching the air with real adrenaline.

The graphics which some people criticise are ok to me and there are some spectacular skies and scenery. There will obviously be some improvement in the graphics with the release of the expansion " Warband ".

During the last few years I have become disillusioned with computer gaming which basically treated players like workers rushing around completing choirs with no real reward or satisfaction. M&B can be played at a pace to suit the player's needs and I really like the automatic pause at the end of your parties move, which allows you to look at options and weigh up what will be your next move.

To sum up if you are interested in any of the above do yourself a favour and download the demo. Beware this game is very addictive and I spend my days now thinking about what my next moves will be and at what late hour I will be going to bed.
