This is the best game that I have played in years. Super game play, the best combat, thrilling and addictive.

User Rating: 9 | Mount & Blade PC
M&B is fun like games used to be. While the graphics are not next-gen, they are adequate, but, graphics is not what this game is about. Remember how games used to be. There was actual substance to them and being fun and addictive was a must. Unlike games today that are all graphics and or story, this game actually lets your live the life of a medival person who is dumped into a warring landscape with battling factions and is delt the task of making the most of themselves. Whether you want to be an outlaw or the renowned owner of castles and villages that pay you, you can do it. If you want to be a trader, a champion tournament warlord or a rebel you can do it. The RPG style inventory, loot and customization of your character and other hireable characters is awesome, satisfying and fun. Download the demo and check this out. I bet you will buy it if you try it and give it 30 minutes.