Mount & Blade is both fun and highly addictive. And should be checked out by any Action/RPG fan.

User Rating: 9 | Mount & Blade PC
War is at Calradia and five five militarized factions: The Swadians, The Rhodoks, The Vaegirs, The Khergits, and The Nords All at war with each other for control over Calradia. The player takes in control of a unkown hero that rises up from the ground from a simple blacksmith seeking revenge to a sqire seeking money and fame.

or basicly what you make it thanks to its impressive character creation that allows you to add a back story and change the characters face to your liking. After you gone through that you are placed in a mid-ist of the land where you will make a name for your self. In this land you are pretty much entitled to go about doing what you want i.e raiding Vilages for cattle, or Hireing villages to rise up a armie. And the game does this right becuase you get griped on making a armie up to fight people because the Combat in Mount & Blade feels right.

you only start out having minor skirmishes aginst bandits but as you level up and get money you buy all new armour and weapons and the scales of the battles are pretty good. You only have 4 attack directions(Like Oblivion) but it works very well in this game better than it does in oblivion Because mount & Blade has alot of hidden mechanics that make it so the speed of the weapon and such is the factor and so is a bunch of other stuff. Insted of just having the weapon with the highest Damage.

The gameplay has a few niggles Sieges can sometimes be silly when everyone have to climb one ladder to scale the walls. would of been better to have more but i guess theres room for improvent in a Sequel or somthing.

The Sound in mount & blade is fantstic the music for each fraction really sounds nice and is plesent to listen to and has greatly improved since the Beta. From victory music to the map music when you are roaming around. You can tell alot of work went into making this game sound fantastic. The same cant be sied for its grahpics they are kind of out dated however it really doesnt matter since this is a Indi game and for a Indi game the grahpics are good. the Buildings and castles etc however do look good that is one thing i must add.

the Game also focuses on Mounted combat but that doesnt say you cant make your character into a outstanding foot archer or a knight. But mounted Combat is the highlight of this game. But anyway in the End Mount & Blade is missing some things and might not be the kind of game a grahpic freak would whana play however if your a casual gamer or just looking for a new Action/Rpg to play then you will Surly like this game. As myself have lost hours over playing this fun and very Addictive game.
SOUND: 8/10