Revolutionary and epic. This game is...

User Rating: 9.5 | Mount & Blade PC
Revolutionary and epic. This game is extremely cool you make a character and set off into the world of Calradia.
This game offers months of roleplaying and freedom, being a fearsome warlord with alot of cities towns and castles? ok, looting villages and attack caravans ? ok, become a vassal and serve your king ? ok, it is incredible. The graphics may be extremely bad for a 08 game but whatever it will offer more gameplay than Oblivion, Civilizations, Warhammer so on, for a long long long time :) There is no main quest as far as I know, and that is why it is so great, alot of games don't offer much roleplaying, but if you need roleplaying and freedom you have come to the right game :)

Alot of RPGs have a main quest and a bunch of secondary ones. But here in M&B you can do what you want, selling prisoners to a slave trader, Interacting with NPCs like Rolf and Lezalit. But most importaint you can raise and army and obviosly you can battle other armies but the thing is you are in the battle and that is why it is and RPG you controll yourself and cut down enemies.

But, there are some bad things too. Like minor bugs it will sometimes be too hard, other times to easy (of course if you want it hard or easy then it is okay right ?) But the most epic thing is mods I mean like when it was in beta it was released multiple thousands mods but they are all working on different versions of the beta so it will be nice with a final version. When you usually start of the game you see how the graphics affect you because you stand in the world map, but give it a chance and fight some bandit looters and it should be okay.

Head over to the Mount and Blade homepage and check it out, visit the forum and I'll see you there, (google it)