This game is the greatest, most innovative game since sliced bread.

User Rating: 10 | Mount & Blade PC
Mount and blade is the greatest game I think in gaming history, yes it does have a few glitches and the graphics are not perfect but it makes up for it with game play that can last years, and not get boring, and a modding community that will sustain your gaming hunger for years after, honestly i believe that if this game is noticed it will change the gaming industry forever. Also, for those who see people saying that the game is to easy, that's because they do not know how to go to a options menu. Also if you are looking for a game with great online multilayer, I am sorry to say this is not it, but there are other indie games for that like Darkfall online so please try it and then judge it for yourself. And remember if you want games sprout from Mount and blade, just look at and you can see just how many options there are.
And Thank you, Armagan (Taleworlds lead designer).