I never understood it really.

User Rating: 7.5 | Mortal Kombat II: Kyuukyoku Shinken SNES
Do I really need to go into a review of Mortal Kombat II on the SNES? I mean..I think everyone and their mother has played...and everyone loves it...and everyones mother hates it. So let's get onto what I really want to review....

Why do you people love this stuff?

I mean...don't get me wrong...it's okay. I've played the games. They're not bad. But I assure you..they're not GREAT.

It's a pretty standard fighting game with over the top violence. And while I love over the top violence...it's not enough to get me to love a vidja game....even back then.

I had friends who were obsessed with this crap.
They loved the characters- I though they were "meh"
They loved the settings - I thought they were cliche'
They loved the story - what story?
They loved the moves - God..seriously?
They loved the fatalities - ..........okay...you got me there...they're pretty cool.

But is that enough to go ga ga over this game? I just never saw the mass appeal I guess. Like I said. It's a good game. A solid game. But not great...and I never thought it was revolutionary besides the violence.

So Mortal Kombat? I'll shake your hand...I may even give you a hug...but we're not going out. Do you understand? I don't like you like that. Get on with your life.