A beautiful journey through a twisted world.

User Rating: 10 | Monument Valley AND

Nothing is impossible. You may not see a clear route but don't be discouraged. A different perspective may be all you need and everything will fall in place. You may be unsure of your destination but remember its journey that matters. With every obstacle overcome you become more confident in your ability to see the hidden paths and navigate these twisted worlds.

Monument Valley shines in its clever level design and focus on minimalism. All the sharp edges, even symmetry, and tri-tone blocks give this game a super crisp, clean, look. Even accounting for the perspective shifts its really easy to see where you can and can't walk. There is little to no unnecessary flair to distract you while you try to solve the puzzles. Sometimes you'll just want to take a break from playing to just enjoy the sheer beauty of this game. It even gives you an option to take a picture at the end of each level to share with your friends or keep as a reminder of your accomplishment.

The goal in each level is simple. All you have to do is go from point A to point B. The problem is that there is no clear path. You'll either have to move and twist the map around to flow the way you need it or spin the camera to make what seem like impossible gaps to line up and connect perfectly. None of the puzzles are too hard. Ida's movement is quite limited so there are really only so many ways you can go. This is clearly designed just to be a calm and relaxing experience. You may be scratching your head every so often but don't expect too much challenge.

Who is Ida you may ask. You control the princess Ida through her journey across the sacred geometry. Yes, there is a story here but its so light it might fly away. Don't take my teasing too seriously. I enjoyed what little bits of story and dialogue there was but it just wasn't very memorable. This game is clearly focused on its unique puzzles and vibrant art. There was absolutely no need to weigh down the experience with an overbearing or half-baked story. It would have gone against everything else the game stands for.

In the end, I think anyone could enjoy this game and I would recommend everyone giving it a chance. The minimalism in both the art and sound design helps trance the player in a wonderful zen like state. Its a great escape from the hectic, fast-paced, and intricate games we normally see and play on our favorite consoles or gaming computers. A rare mobile gem that doesn't rely on the usual free-to-play revenue model. The only time it will ask for any money is for the DLC which is well worth it as it adds more of the same exceptional level design. Buy this game, you won't regret it.