It was a great game for a few hours and then a giant sinkhole opened up in my mind....

User Rating: 6 | Monster Hunter Freedom PSP
Learning the basics for this game via missions is pretty fun at first....
Then the "new-game-rush" you get from, well, getting a new game fades and all you notice is the lack of targeting and hordes of annoying, fanged creatures.
The load times aren't TOO bad, but hacking and slashing at monsters isn't as fun If you can't see them. Another thing that bugs the heck out of me is the frequency at which monsters attack you. On one of the missions(rank one) I stood still for a bout two minutes and counted about 14 Velicioprey(proper spelling?) as they attacked me. Not that it takes a lot to dispatch them, but who wants that?
The weapons themselves look cool, yes. As do the armor and I love the fact that they actually make a difference in appearance on your completely customizable character. But, unless you're using your sword or double swords, you can wait for five to nine seconds before your next blow.
If you have alot of patience and a love for button mashing, mindless killing and repetitive game play, you'll love Monster Hunter Freedom.

Note: Due to Gamestop's one week return policy, I was unable to play for the usual 20 hours before reviewing.