Sony took a good game from last year and made it better. Compared to the console version, the resemblance is close...

User Rating: 8.7 | MLB 07: The Show PSP
The PSP version is the same version as the PS2 version without a franchise mode. The PSP version also incorporates a player profile which gives points for certain actions in-game. The points are used for rewards that unlock players, teams and eggs. The career mode is the same except for the fact that the cameras are NOT adjustable. This has a tendency to make running and fielding a bit trickier. There is also a slight lapse when batting after a hit is made, but it only seems to effect the game in career mode. Load times are just about the same from last years version and the menus are much more intricate. The improved career mode, (road to the show) is an ambitious change that not only is a first of its kind, but it is done very well in its first try out. The behind the player fielding is pretty easy in rookie mode, but definately forces the player to think about situations before they occur. Hitting is a bit more challenging with the additions of a more stringent training regimen and manager goals. Pitching is less of a chore now that you have the catcher calling the pitches. The sound is once again great with the help from some indie titles and the PRO Logic II and THX help round out the great sounds of the game. A lot of the commentary remains the same between the three man cast from lat year and the game animations have a few new tweaks which improve the overall experience. This is a great baseball game and I would recommend this to ANY fan of the game.