if you can get passed the long load times and glitches, i would say MLB 07 is an alright game

User Rating: 7.9 | MLB 07: The Show PSP
when i got '07 The Show for psp i was excited because of the gameplay it had to offer and the updated rosters. what i wasnt prepared for were other crucial things

-road to the show is great it really captures the life of a minor leaguer going to the bigs
-the sound is almost perfect. it has the horns, the fans, the announcer pumping up the crowd. hits and catches also sound nice and real
-the players react to the ball like real-life. i mean theres no crazy plays that make u ask WTF? superman? scoops, dives, the works.
-pretty good soundtrack but dont expect tony hawk type soundtracks either

-too many glitches. i had the outfielder run through the wall once and other glitches. -feels like the PSP cant keep up with the speed of the game, almost slow framerate. ur eyes get tired after a while
-lonnnnngggggg load times

bottom line is that mlb 07 the show is a good buy for the psp of you love baseball. the game is good its just that it takes forever to load. besides that you can have fun taking the game from the ps2 to the road.